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December 31

 New Year's Countdown !!

>>> World Time Map

LLJを毎回楽しみに遊びに来てくれているみなさん、今年も楽しんでいただけたでしょうか?今年はお姫様がJack Siteの宣伝をたくさんしてくれて私にとっては幸せすぎる素晴らしい一年でした。期待を裏切らないように来年もさらに精進して頑張りたいと思っていますのでまたよろしくお願いいたします。皆さんもよいお年をお迎えください。 from Shino.

■ Times Square's New Year's Eve Stageset

New York, UNITED STATES: Workmen assemble a stage (L) for singer Mariah Carey 30 December 2005 in New York's Times Square as preparations are under way for the annual New Year's Eve celebration.

はい、今晩(現地では明日の朝ですが)のTimes Sqで行われる年越しライブのステージが着々と組み立てられているようです。見えますね〜「MC」の文字が!楽しみですね。あっ、そうそう余談ですが、今月末に発行の新○堂の洋楽のRPM誌にマライア表紙(SIOのジャケ写)飾ってます。あと、裏ページにウルトラTEOMの紹介が載ってます。今年の成功のおかげでしょうか?まさかちゃんと取り上げてくれるとは思わなかったのでちょっと嬉しいです。皆さんもお近くの新○堂でGETしましょう!

I Source : Getty Images, Thanks to Moonstar I

Billboard Updates

The Emancipation of Mimi ▲5
Billboard 200: #6 (Last Week #7)
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums: #6 (Last Week #5)
Sales this week: 290,048 (+52%)
Total Sales: 4,866,189

Don't Forget About Us
Billboard Hot 100: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Pop 100: #3 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Pop 100 Airplay: #4 (Last Week #4)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #2 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #2 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Adult R&B: #25 (Last Week #31)
Billboard Mainstream Top 40: #4 (Last Week #4)
Billboard Rhythmic Top 40: #3 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play: #4 (Last Week #6)
Billboard Dance Radio Airplay: #1 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Hot Dance Singles Sales: #21 (Last Week #26)
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #2 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Hot Digital Tracks (Radio Edit): #2 (Last Week #2)
Sales this week: 49,673 (+27%)
Total sales: 95,101

Shake It Off
Billboard Hot 100: #42 (Last Week #41)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #29 (Last Week #30)
Billboard Pop 100: #33 (Last Week #33)
Billboard Pop 100 Airplay: #28 (Last Week #23)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #23 (Last Week #29)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #22 (Last Week #25)
Billboard Adult R&B: #14 (Last Week #15)
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #87 (Last Week #101)
Billboard Hot Ringtones: #29 (Last Week #27)
Sales this week: 8,251 (+46%)
Total sales: 340,274

We Belong Together ▲3
Billboard Hot 100: #44 (Last Week #50)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #38 (Last Week #42)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #41 (Last Week #39)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #41 (Last Week #39)
Billboard Adult R&B: #11 (Last Week #14)
Billboard Hot Singles Sales: #22 (Last Week #33)
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #70 (Last Week #93)
Billboard Hot Ringtones: #14 (Last Week #20)
Sales this week: 9,675 (+64%)
Total sales: 669,065

So Lonely
Billboard Pop 100: #89 (Last Week #89)
Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles: #14 (Last Week #16)
Bubbling Under R&B/Hip-hop Singles: #4 (Last Week #7)

Merry Christmas▲5
Billboard Top Holiday Albums: #13 (Last Week #13)
Billboard Top Digital Albums: #14 (Last Week #10)
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Catalog Albums: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Top Pop Catalog Albums: #16 (Last Week #11)
Billboard Comprehensive Albums: #143 (Last Week #96)

All I Want For Christmas Is You
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #12 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Hot Digital Tracks: #9 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Hot 100 Singles Recurrent: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay Recurrent: #2 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Adult Contemporary Recurrent: #10 (Last Week #10)
Billboard Top 40 Adult Recurrents: #7 (Re-Entry)
Billboard Hot Ringtones: #11 (Last Week #7)
Sales this week: 34,240 (-8%)
Total Sales: 280,355

Mariah Carey, Greatest Hits▲
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Catalog Albums: #10 (Last Week #9)

I Thanks To Mariah Daily I

■  マライア・キャリー、米年間アルバムチャートで首位に


調査会社ニールセン・サウンドスキャンの28日の発表によると、マライアのアルバム「MIMI」は、先週29万枚を売り上げ、累計販売枚数を487万枚とした。このままの勢いで年末商戦を乗り切れば、マライアは、1996年に「ジャグド・リトル・ピル」で1位になったアラニス・モリセット以来、女性ソロ歌手として9年ぶりの首位達成となる。マライアに首位の座を奪われ2位となった50セントのセカンドアルバム「ザ・マッサカー ─殺戮の日。」の先週の売り上げは3万枚で、累計販売枚数は483万枚となっている。

I Source : Reuters I

December 29

■  The Emancipation of Mimi Becomes 2005's Best Seller

The Emancipation of Mimi
Billboard 200: #6 (Last Week #7)
Sales this week: 290,048 (+52%)
Total sales: 4,866,189

With the biggest percentage gain in the top 10, "The Emancipation of Mimi" sells 290,048 copies this week (the album's second best week after the debut week) and surpasses 50 Cent's album as the best selling album of 2005! The current tally is:

1. Mariah Carey - The Emancipation of Mimi: 4,866,189
2. 50 Cent - The Massacre: 4,834,837

Don't Forget About Us
Album Version
Hot Digital Tracks: #2 (Last Week #2)
Sales this week: 41,885 (+37%)
Total sales: 87,313

All I Want For Christmas Is You
Hot Digital Tracks: #9 (Last Week #1)
Sales this week: 34,240 (-8%)
Total sales: 280,355


I Source : Mariah Daily I

December 28

■  Jack-tie affair

Forget the Golden Globes the real awards season kicked off with the presentation of the World Urban Doggy Award to Mariah Carey's canine companion Jackson P. Muttley! Belgian doggy lover Gilles Ollevier, CEO of the WUDA ( and the man behind ) created the award to even the score after Jack's anubbing in the Best Non-Human Guest category of Regis&Kelly's Relly Awards. The custom trophy and acompanying hand-lettered plaque were reportedly given to Mariah in London earlier this month.

I Thanks to Heroes Of Mariah I

■  マライア・キャリー、米年間アルバムチャートで50セントに肉薄

集計締め切りが迫る米年間アルバムチャートで、マライア・キャリーがラップグループの50セントを怒涛の勢いで追撃している。調査会社ニールセン・サウンドスキャンによると、25日時点のアルバムチャート首位は、50セントの「ザ・マッサカー ─殺戮の日。」3月のリリース以降の売り上げ累計枚数は480万枚。

一方グラミー賞最多ノミネートとなっているマライア・キャリーの4月発表のアルバム「MIMI」のこれまでの売り上げ枚数は累計460万枚で、首位の50セントとの差を急速に縮めており、このままのペースで売れ続ければ年末までに50セントを追い抜く可能性もある。最新の週間チャートでは「MIMI」は売り上げ枚数19万1000枚で7位にランクインしており、「ザ・マッサカー ─殺戮の日。」の2万1000枚に対し圧倒的な売れ行きを示している。

I Source : Reuters I

December 27

■  MiMi & Jack In Aspen Photos


I Source : clasos , Thanks to Heroes Of Mariah I

「Don't Forget About Us」が全米シングル・チャートで1位を達成

12月31日付けの米ビルボード総合シングル・チャート(The Billboard Hot 100)で、マライア・キャリーの米ニュー・シングル「Don't Forget About Us(原題)」が1位を達成しました(登場11週目/先週の2位から上昇)。同様にこの曲は、同誌“Hot Digital Songs”チャートでも初登場1位を獲得しています。なお、これにより「Don't Forget About Us」は、マライアにとって17作目の全米No.1シングルとなり、Elvis Presleyに並ぶ記録となりました(Beatlesの20作に続き史上2位)。また、'05年に於いては、2枚のシングルを全米No.1にした唯一のアーティストとなっています。

I Source : Universal Music Japan I





I Source : BARKS I

December 25

■ Mariah in Paris Match Magazine

はい、先日のフランス滞在中に宿泊先のホテルにてParis Match誌のインタビュー&撮影を行ったようで早速UPされてます。うにゃっ、フランス語なんで意味がよくわからないのですが、12〜18歳までタバコを吸ってた話と、小さい時に両親が離婚したので週末にパパのところへ友達と遊びに行って特に友達にはパパが黒人だって事を言ってなかったんだけど、ドアを開けて友達はビックリしてたそうで、人種差別を感じる眼差しだったそうです。で、小さい時から受けていた人種差別から唯一自分を救ってくれたのは歌を書くことだったわけで、あと神様を信じることだったそうです。結婚についてはママがいつも「結婚はしない!」って言ってた言葉が頭から離れないようでお姫様自身も昔から言ってますが自分は結婚は向いていないと今も思ってるみたいです。




I Source : Paris Match I

December 24

■ マライア・キャリー、歴代2位となる17曲目のシングルNo.1を獲得

先日"We Belong Together"がビルボード年間No.1シングルに輝くなど、まさに今年を代表するアーティストとなったマライア・キャリー(Mariah Carey)だが、最新シングル"Don't Forget About Us"がビルボードHot 100で、5週連続トップをキープしていたクリス・ブラウン(Chirs Brown)の"Run It!"を押え、自身17曲目となるNo.1に輝いた。これはエルヴィス・プレスリー(Elvis Presley)と並ぶ歴代2位の記録で実に35年ぶりの快挙となった。ちなみに歴代1位はザ・ビートルズ(The Beatles)の20回。さらに今年1年間で2曲が1位になったのもマライア・キャリーだけだという。

アルバムチャートでは、エミネム(Eminem)の"Curtain Call: The Hits"が2週連続No.1をキープ、発売2週目ですでに766,000枚までセールスを伸ばしている。リュダクリス(Ludacris)が自身のレーベルDTP(Disturbing the Peace)名義で出したコンピレーションアルバム"Disturbing Tha Peace"は、惜しくも11位からのスタートとなったが、R&B/Hip-HopおよびRapアルバム両チャートでは初登場1位に輝いた。アンソニー・ハミルトン(Anthony Hamilton)の"Ain't Nobody Wprryin'"もR&Bチャートで堂々4位に初登場となった。

すでに450万枚のセールスを記録しているマライア・キャリーの"The Emancipation of Mimi"が発売36週目にもかかわらず順位を8位から7位にあげており、今週はシングル同様その強さを見せつけた。


I Source : notrax I

■ 'Happy 17th' Voice Message from Mariah!

Woooo! Happy 17th! Yay! You guys! Thanks!

This is the best ever, ever, ever, ever, ever gift. I am so happy! (Wooo!) I am just so excited I had to call you and say, no for real I can't even express it and we're just being totally celebratory ... Jasmine's here (Jasmine: I'm here in front of a roaring fire in the festive Christmas tree.), Rachel is over here (Rachel: Hi, lambs!), and Jack is here, he's a little excited, but I don't want him to ruin the message. I've been trying to leave a message three times and everytime we tried to blow the little festive horn, the new year's thing, he freaked out and like started attacking us (laugh) but anyway, I just wanted to say that you are the best in the world, you know that and you've made this year if not the best year of my life one of the most incredible years ever and I just, all I can say is I love you, appreciate you and enjoy you and I wish I could get Jack to bark without him attacking us but he loves you too and seriously this is such an amazing day for me. Thank you guys for making it possible and it's just an incredible blessing and I just thank God for you and I thank God for this day and for everything and everybody, Happy Holidays! I'm gonna call you back and leave you some more festive messages but it was a really fun happy 17th party tonight so, you guys were with us in spirit and, I love you (we took pictures too and we're gonna show you). Yes, you're gonna see the pictures soon so anyway, happy 17th and I love you much! Buh-bye!


I Source : , Thanks to Mariah Daily I

December 22

■ Mariah Carey Wins Over Animal Lovers

Mariah Carey has won over animal lovers after turning down a gift of eight fur coats from a Russian businessman. The superstar singer refused to accept the lavish present and gave the coats to animal welfare group PETA instead.
Carey hopes the organisation will use the politically incorrect furs in their anti-cruelty campaigns.

Meanwhile, Mariah has revealed she pays for her pet pooch to fly privately. The pop diva admits she is so besotted with her Jack Russell - called Jack - she doesn't like him to fly economy with strangers. She said: "My dog flies private! He's too big to travel economy. He's not a little tiny dog he's a Jack Russell - he's a very masculine dog. "I'm not going to put him back with someone I don't know who might feed him or something - he's my dog."

何でもロシアの男性がマライアに8個の毛皮(このうち2つは100万ぐらいの毛皮があったらしい)をプレゼントとして送ったそうなんですが、当然お姫様毛皮を気に入るわけありません、むしろぞっとしたそうです。すぐにこれらの毛皮をNYのPETA (動物福祉)に罪もない動物を殺して毛皮にするという残酷な行為に反対するキャンペーンの題材として送ったようです。素晴らしい行動ですね。ってかこのロシア人何で毛皮なんてプレゼントしようと思ったんでしょうか?最近着てる姫のラスカルちっくなFake Furを見て思ったんでしょうかね?プレゼントをするには相手をもっと知るべきですよね。あと、JackについてですがJackは一人でもプライベートジェットを使ってマライアの傍へ飛んでくるそうで、「何かわからない物を勝手にJackに食べさせるような知らない人と一緒にJackを乗せたくないの、彼は私の犬よ!」っということで思う存分大金を支払ってジェットを動かしてるようです(笑)

I Source : UK Flava I

■ Mimi In Aspen


I Source : FOMM I

■ Mariah Gets 17th #1!


I Source : I

■ Doggy P. Fly's New Member

His name is Mita.
 ( Thanks to Nando )

Check it out >>> Doggy P. Fly


■ Billboard Updates

The Emancipation of Mimi ▲5
Billboard 200: #7 (Last Week #8)
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums: #5 (Last Week #3)
Sales this week: 190,957 (+26%)
Total Sales: 4,576,141

Don't Forget About Us
Billboard Hot 100: #1 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #1 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Pop 100: #2 (Last Week #8)
Billboard Pop 100 Airplay: #4 (Last Week #4)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Singles Sales: #40 (Debut)
Billboard Adult R&B: #31 (Last Week #24)
Billboard Mainstream Top 40: #4 (Last Week #5)
Billboard Rhythmic Top 40: #2 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play: #6 (Last Week #6)
Billboard Dance Radio Airplay: #2 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Hot Dance Singles Sales: #21 (Debut)
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #1 (Debut)
Billboard Hot Digital Tracks (Radio Edit): #2 (Debut)
Billboard Hot Digital Tracks (Remix): #48 (Debut)
Billboard Hot Videoclip Tracks: #1 (Last Week #1)
Sales this week: 39,088
Total sales: 45,428

Shake It Off
Billboard Hot 100: #41 (Last Week #32)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #30 (Last Week #27)
Billboard Pop 100: #33 (Last Week #28)
Billboard Pop 100 Airplay: #23 (Last Week #21)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #29 (Last Week #25)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #25 (Last Week #25)
Billboard Adult R&B: #15 (Last Week #12)

We Belong Together ▲3
Billboard Hot 100: #50 (Last Week #49)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #42 (Last Week #46)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #39 (Last Week #42)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #39 (Last Week #42)
Billboard Adult R&B: #14 (Last Week #13)
Billboard Hot Singles Sales: #33 (Last Week #34)

So Lonely
Billboard Pop 100: #89 (Last Week #98)
Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles: #16 (Last Week #25)
Bubbling Under R&B/Hip-hop Singles: #7 (Last Week #4)

Merry Christmas▲5
Billboard Top Holiday Albums: #13 (Last Week #13)
Billboard Top Digital Albums: #10 (Last Week #10)
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Catalog Albums: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Top Pop Catalog Albums: #11 (Last Week #11)
Billboard Comprehensive Albums: #96 (Last Week #77)

All I Want For Christmas Is You
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #2 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Hot Digital Tracks: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Hot 100 Singles Recurrent: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay Recurrent: #2 (Last Week #3)
Billboard Adult Contemporary Recurrent: #10 (Last Week #14)
Sales this week: 37,386 (-10%)
Total Sales: 246,115

Mariah Carey, Greatest Hits▲
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Catalog Albums: #9 (Last Week #14)

Happy Sexy 17th !!! ビルボード誌も今週のチャートの結果が上がりました。17曲目ということ大記録達成まであと一ヶ月ぐらいですから大いにメディアもラジオ局も後押ししてくれるんじゃないでしょうかね〜。引き続きVOTE頑張りましょうね。あと、今のところ今年一番売れたアルバムが50セントですがその差がわずか23万枚。追い越すのは時間の問題です。っていうかリリースした期間を考えると後に出したTEOMの方がすでに売れてるってことになるんですが...

I Source: Billboard Magazine Mariah Daily |

December 21

■ Early Billboard Updates: Get Ready To Celebrate 17th #1!

The Emancipation of Mimi
Billboard 200: #7 (Last Week #8)
Sales this week: 190,957 (+26%)
Total sales: 4,576,141

Don't Forget About Us
Billboard Radio Monitor - Airplay
Mainstream Top 40: #4 (Last Week #5)
Rhythmic Top 40: #2 (Last Week #2)
Adult R&B: #31 (Last Week #24)
Dance Radio Airplay: #2 (Last Week #2)

Hot Digital Songs: #1 (Debut)
Hot Digital Tracks: #2 (Debut)
Sales this week (Radio edit only ): 30,484
Sales this week (Including remixes): 39,088
Total sales: 45,428

All I Want For Christmas Is You
Hot Digital Songs: #2 (Last Week #1)
Hot Digital Tracks: #1 (Last Week #1)
Sales this week: 37,386 (-10%)
Total sales: 246,115

"Don't Forget About Us" and "All I Want For Christmas Is You" each holds the #1 spot on the Hot Digital Songs and Hot Digital Tracks charts respectively. They both hold the #2 spots on the same charts in a reverse order.

This makes Mariah hold another record: for the first time ever, an artist holds both the #1 and the #2 spots on the Hot Digital Songs chart (and the Hot Digital Tracks chart.)

"Don't Forget About Us" received a BDS certification for having reached over 100,000 radio spins.

"Don't Forget About Us" holds the #1 spot on both the download and airplay charts which comprise the Billboard Hot 100 Singles chart. This means that what we were all hoping for is now inevitable!

On the upcoming issue of Billboard Magazine (Issue Date: December 31, 2005) - "Don't Forget About Us" will become Mariah's 17th #1 on the Billboard Hot 100!

The official announcement will be made tonight, when Billboard officially publishes its Hot 100 chart.

Awwwwww! Congratulations Mimi ;D & Happy Holiday!! ついにやりましたよ〜!間もなくオフィシャルからも正式に発表されますが、DFAU、今週のビルボードHot100で見事17曲目の#1に輝きました!パチパチパチ!しかもデジタルセールス&エアプレイ共にW #1での成績ですから本当に素晴らしいですね。さらに、先週デジタルセールスで#1だったAIWFCIYがDFUSに続き#2に入ってますのでこれで、セールスチャートで1&2独占したことになります。もう記録尽くめです。この17曲目はもちろん自己記録を更新したことにもなりますが、No.1最多獲得記録のビートルス(20曲)E.プレスリー(18曲)にまたしても近づきあと1曲#1獲ればプレスリーとタイ記録になります。さらに、DFAUが#1を獲ったことで大記録への挑戦がまた始まりました。No.1最長週間保持記録の座に君臨しているプレスリー(80週)ですがDFAUがあと5週#1をキープすれば81週保持者になり世紀の大記録が誕生します。2006年も素晴らしい年となりそうですね。とにかく本当に本当におめでとう!PVに込められた「Seventh」の夢を皆で現実にすることができました!

I Source : Mariah Daily I

■ 米ビルボード誌05年の年間総合シングル・チャートでNo.1に輝く

米ビルボード誌が発表した'05年の年間総合シングル・チャート(The Billboard Hot 100)で、マライア・キャリーが1位を獲得しました。マライアは、全米No.1を14週獲得したシングル「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」でキャリア初となる年間シングル・チャートNo.1を獲得。今までの最高記録は、'96年に「One Sweet Day」で獲得した年間シングル・チャートの2位の記録でした。そして「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」は、彼女にとって通算7曲目の年間チャート・トップ10入りシングルとなっています。ちなみに、14週全米No.1獲得シングルは、'97年のエルトン・ジョンの「キャンドル・イン・ザ・ウィンド」以来8年ぶりとなりました。

I Source : Universal Music Japan I

■ 大晦日にNYのタイムズ・スクエアで約100万人の観客を前にパフォーマンス

大晦日(12月31日)に米ABCテレビで生中継される恒例特番『Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve 2006』で、ニューヨークのタイムズ・スクエアからパフォーマンスを披露する予定のマライア・キャリー。1人のアーティストがタイムズ・スクエアにおいて、約100万人の観客の前でライヴを行なうのは、同番組の34年間の歴史上、初のこととなります。マライアは、新年のカウントダウン直前に登場するそうです。また、同番組には、プッシーキャット・ドールズも出演する予定になっています。

I Source : Universal Music Japan I

米『2005 Radio Music Awards』授賞式で3部門を受賞

12月19日にラスベガスのAladdin Hotelで開催された『2005 Radio Music Awards』の授賞式で、マライア・キャリーが“Artist Of The Year/Urban And Rhythmic Radio”“Song Of The Year/Mainstream Hit Radio(「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」)”“Song Of The Year/Urban And Rhythmic Radio(「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」)”の3部門を受賞しました。加えて、特別賞である“Radio Legend Award”も受賞しています。授賞式では、スヌープ・ドッグとプッシーキャット・ドールズがクリスマス・ソング「Santa Baby」で共演したほか、メアリー・J.ブライジ、ライフハウスがパフォーマンスを披露しました。なお、このアウォーズは、全米のラジオ局のエアプレイ状況を集計したMediabaseのデータを基に選出されています。授賞式の模様は、NBCテレビを通じて全米に生中継されました。

I Source : Universal Music Japan I

December 20

■ Mariah Posing With Vicky the Dog!

Rody, a Mariah fan from France shared an adorable fan story with us:

"During Mariah's recent stay in Paris, Myself and two of my friends were waiting in the cold in front of her hotel. Late at night, Mariah came over to us and stared at the dog called Vicky. She said: "He's so cute, Mariah will love it!" and asked if she could bring the dog to Mariah's room. She took my camera and the dog and went to Mariah's room. 20 minutes later, she came back with two pictures of Mariah playing with the dog. Isn't she lovely...? "


I Source : Rody , Mariah Daily I

■ New Voice Message from Mariah

Hello. Yeah, just had to call you 'cause I just had quite an amazing night at the RMAs and I wanted to thank you guys so much for everything, every single person out there who's been here for me from the beginning, everybody who's you know just made this the most incredible year of my life and you know what? for every single time that we thought 'yeah it was bleak and whatever', it's all worth it 'cause this has been amazing and I really can never ever ever thank you enough and i may sound boring and dramatic or whatever but I don't have my cheerleading squad with me. So it's a little bleak but basically, I'm just laying in bed, getting ready to go to sleep and the night wouldn't have been complete if I didn't call in and just say thanks. Happy Holidays! I'll be calling you soon with a much more festive message but I just want to say that I thank you and love you so much. Buh-bye!


I Source :, Mariah Daily I

■ Mariah Wins Big At The 2005 Radio Music Awards

Congratulations Mariah for walking away with awards in all of her nominated categories last night at the 2005 Radio Music Awards

Mariah received awards for:

Artist of the Year/Urban and Rhythmic Radio
Song of the Year/Mainstream Hit Radio - We Belong Together
Song of the Year/Urban and Rhythmic Radio - We Belong Together
In addition Mariah received the prestigious Radio Legend Award

RMAでノミネートされていた3部門+αでLegend Awardまで授賞したお姫様。予定されていたパフォーマンスは中止?なのかやってないみたいなのでちょっと残念ですが、本当に今年はエアプレイの女王だけあってラジオでマライアの歌がかからない日はなかったと言えるほどの大活躍でした。本当におめでとぉ〜〜〜!!

I Source : I

■ マライアが歴史的偉業の実現へ

12月31日土曜日に全米で生放送される毎年恒例の番組、『ディック・クラークのNew Year's Rockin' Eve 2006』で、マライア・キャリーがニューヨークのタイムズ・スクエアでライブを行うこととなった。この模様は全米のお茶の間に向けて生中継される(写真=グラミー賞ノミネーション発表会に出席したマライア)。



I Source : MTV Japan I

December 19

■ Oricon年間売り上げチャート発表

#51 The Emancipation Of MiMi

#1 The Ones
#2 Daydeam
#3 Merry Christams
#4 Butterfly
#5 Rainbow
#6 Emotions
#7 Mariah Carey
#8 Gulitter
#9 Charmbracelet
#10 Greatest Hits
#11 Vision Of Live
#12 The Emancipation Of Mimi
#13 The Remixies
#14 Charmbracelet Tour Edition
#15 Re:Merry Christmas
#16 Re:Merry Christams ( DVD )


I Source : Oricon I

December 18

■ マライア赤っ恥!フランスでトンでもない失言しちゃった


いたずら好きのマライアの友人が、マライアにフランス語を教えた。「Ce repas était si excitant que je me suis fait dessus」というもので、これは「お食事、とってもおいしかったわ。また是非来るわね」といいう意味だと教えられた。マライアは教えてもらったフランス語のフレーズをさっそく使用。訪れたレストランのウェイターらに何度かこの覚えたてのフランス語を披露したという。




I Source : I

■ Mariah To Perform At The 2005 Radio Music Awards

LWith host Mark McGrath and Jamie Pressly, performances by Mariah Carey, Michael Buble, Snoop Dogg, Lifehouse and presentations by Bo Bice, Lauren Holly, Kelly Monaco and Sean Paul, the 2005 Radio Music Awards will be broadcast live from the Aladdin Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV, on December 19. will be there as one of the more tasty and unique gifts for the stars to enjoy while having an award winning night. specializes in delivering the freshest and tastiest Maine lobster. Customers can create their own personal lobster festivals at home. With a wide selection of live lobsters from Maine, fresh frozen lobster meat, lobster tails and lobster claws, customers can pick and choose their next lobster meal with the point and click of the mouse.
Whether you are looking for a gift for friends, family or colleagues during the upcoming holidays, is pleased to offer a special Lobster Holiday Pack. This special includes two large 2 lb. fresh live Maine lobster, two butter warmers and tea candles, two red candles, crystal holders and two designer napkins. To make this special complete, all holiday packs come with free shipping with orders placed by December 23rd.
When giving the gift of good taste, customers need to look no further than Gift Certificates from A gift certificate from is the perfect gift for every occasion.

Have an award winning night like your favorite Radio Music Award celebrity while creating your own special holiday lobster festival at home with


I Source :, Thanks to Moonstar I

■ Mariah Carey Savors A Charmed Year

■ Mariah on "Star Academy"

DL Here >>> Mariah Daily


I Source:  Mariah Daily I

December 17

■ Mariah Performs "Don't Forget About Us" on Des & Mel

DL Here >>> Mariah Daily


I Source:  Mariah Daily I

December 16

■ Mariah arrives at the George V hotel


I Source : I

■ Billboard Updates

The Emancipation of Mimi ▲5
Billboard 200: #8 (Last Week #7)
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums: #3 (Last Week #3)
Sales this week: 150,974 (+38%)
Total Sales: 4,385,184

Don't Forget About Us
Billboard Hot 100: #2 (Last Week #7)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #2 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Pop 100: #8 (Last Week #10)
Billboard Pop 100 Airplay: #4 (Last Week #5)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #1 (Last Week #3)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #1 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Adult R&B: #24 (Last Week #32)
Billboard Mainstream Top 40: #5 (Last Week #6)
Billboard Rhythmic Top 40: #2 (Last Week #3)
Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play: #6 (Last Week #10)
Billboard Dance Radio Airplay: #2 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Hot Videoclip Tracks: #1 (Last Week #1)

Shake It Off
Billboard Hot 100: #32 (Last Week #24)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #27 (Last Week #19)
Billboard Pop 100: #28 (Last Week #23)
Billboard Pop 100 Airplay: #21 (Last Week #15)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #25 (Last Week #17)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #25 (Last Week #16)
Billboard Adult R&B: #12 (Last Week #7)
Billboard Mainstream Top 40: #19 (Last Week #15)

We Belong Together ▲3
Billboard Hot 100: #49 (Last Week #49)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #46 (Last Week #37)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #42 (Last Week #39)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #42 (Last Week #38)
Billboard Adult R&B: #13 (Last Week #15)
Billboard Hot Singles Sales: #34 (Last Week #40)
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #88 (Last Week #104)
Sales this week: 5,780 (+22%)
Total sales: 653,490

So Lonely
Billboard Pop 100: #98 (Last Week #94)
Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles: #25 (Debut)
Bubbling Under R&B/Hip-hop Singles: #4 (Last Week #11)

Merry Christmas▲5
Billboard Top Holiday Albums: #13 (Last Week #11)
Billboard Top Digital Albums: #10 (Last Week #19)
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Catalog Albums: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Top Pop Catalog Albums: #11 (Last Week #8)
Billboard Comprehensive Albums: #77 (Last Week #61)
Sales this week: 30,272 (+2%)
Total sales: 4,595,279

All I Want For Christmas Is You

Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #1 (Last Week #4)
Billboard Hot Digital Tracks: #1 (Last Week #3)
Billboard Hot 100 Singles Recurrent: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay Recurrent: #3 (Last Week #6)
Billboard Adult Contemporary Recurrent: #14 (Re-entry)
Sales this week: 41,316 (+20%)
Total Sales: 208,729

Mariah Carey, Greatest Hits▲
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Catalog Albums: #14 (Last Week #21)
Sales this week: 7,024 (+33%)
Total sales: 749,159

I Source: Billboard Magazine, Mariah Daily I

December 15

■ George Michael: A Different Story







I Source : Cinema I

■ Weekly SoundScan Numbers For Mariah - "All I Want For Christmas Is You" Hits #1 On Digital Download Charts!

The Emancipation of Mimi
Billboard 200: #8 (Last Week #7)
Sales this week: 150,974 (+38%)
Total sales: 4,385,184

We Belong Together
Hot Digital Songs: #88 (Last Week #104)
Sales this week: 5,780 (+22%)
Total sales: 653,490

Don't Forget About Us
Hot 100 Airplay: #2 (Last Week #2)
Audience impressions this week: 138,607,900 (+15,335,000).

The song is the greatest gainer on the airplay chart! "Don't Forget About Us" is only 3 million impressions behind Chris Brown's "Run It" which has been decreasing steadily. As of now, "Don't Forget About Us" looks like a sure bet for next week's #1 spot on the Hot 100 Airplay and along with high downloads, it is likely to become Mariah's 17th #1 on the Hot 100!

Greatest Hits
Pop Catalog: #104 (Last Week #108)
Sales this week: 7,024 (+33%)
Total sales: 749,159

All I Want For Christmas Is You
Hot Digital Songs: #1 (Last Week #4)
Hot Digital Tracks: #1 (Last Week #3)
Sales this week: 41,316 (+20%)
Total sales: 208,729

"All I Want For Christmas Is You" becomes Mariah's first song to ever reach #1 on any of the above digital download charts.

Merry Christmas
Top Holiday Albums: #13 (Last Week #11)
Sales this week: 30,272 (+2%)
Total sales: 4,595,279


I Source : Mariah Daily I

■ AOL社:2005年に最も検索された曲名は"We Belong Together"

Top Songs: 1) “We Belong Together” by Mariah Carey 2) “Hollaback Girl” by Gwen Stefani 3) “My Humps” by Black Eyed Peas 4) “Candy Shop” by 50 Cent 5) “Listen to Your Heart” by DHT 6) “Laffy Taffy” by D4L 7) “Gold Digger” by Kanye West 8) “Disco Inferno” by 50 Cent 9) “La Tortura” by Shakira 10) “Obsession” by Frankie J.


I Source :, Thanks to chika I

December 14

■ Mariah Under The Mistletoe

Yesterday’s Sunday Mirror M Celebs Magazine featured an adorable photo of Mariah and Jack on the front cover. Apparently Mariah was so pleased with the shoot, conducted by celebrity photographer Jason Fraser, that she used one of them for the cover of her Christmas card this year!

Inside the magazine Mariah gave a one page interview in which she "revealed" that Jack is the person she’d most like to kiss under the mistletoe.

Mariah also talked about how much she loves Christmas and detailed some of the activities she enjoys on her annual trip to Aspen:

I make the biggest deal ever out of the holiday season. Me and my friends-well, I call them my extended family-we go to Aspen every year. It’s a ski resort, and while it’s a little celeby and commercial, it’s just this gorgeous picturesque village. Well apart from everything int he boutiques is like, $10,000.

We absolutely go to town. We have a tree set up, and we decorate it, with butterflies of course, and we drink hot cocoa with butterscotch schnapps and then we get on a two-horse open-sleigh ride. And I know Jack will have a good time because he loves the snow. He goes bounding off into it- this little white dog disappears, and then you see his nose poling out. He gets so excited.

This year I’m going to try snowboarding. For the last six years I’ve been trying to learn, but it just isn’t happening. I like to sleep until 3pm when I’m on my holidays, and the ski lift closes at 4pm. So usually I get dressed up in a festive ensemble-either a Chanel, Dior or Lagerfield ski outfit, and then I go and I go shopping. We also go tubing, which is where you go downhill on race tracks on a plastic shed. It’s great, and you can go really fast, although it depends on my weight how fast I can get down that hill.

I give thanks every year, whether it’s an incredible year like this one, or a really bad one. I’ve had a great year this year and no mistake, but I never forget the real meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus Christ. First and foremost it’s about celebrating that incredible gift. We go to the midnight candlelight church sefvice and we read from the Bible, usually something from Luke or Matthew.

I never get the chance to cook so my friends are like "Mimi’s in the kitchen, it must be Christmas." I do this white clam linguine that was my father’s recipe-so it’s my favourite thing. I also fo a nice tomato sauce, and sometimes we make gingerbread men.

Let’s face it I don’t own that many clothes that cover me up so once a year I can really go for it! Usuually I try to do a Christmas Eve number in red, maybe cashmere. And on Christmas morning, I wear my Frosty the Snowman nighty and thermal long johns-I’ve got to look good for when Santa Claus pays a visit.

And I love getting gifts for people. When I was growing up we didn’t have much money, but my Mom always tried to make it special by wrapping up little things. If friends bring kids, or my nephew and niece come, I make sure there is plenty of stuff for them to unwrap. We all love expensive gifts- I’m going to say I don’t want tons of diamonds but it really is the thought that goes into it. The other day, I had cold, so my brother sent me a pyramid of balloons-just to make me laugh. And last week, my friends threw me a Hello Kitty party. It was a real four-year-old moment. So in Aspen this year, it’s going to be 12-year-old girl stuff, but it’s going to make me so happy.

はい、今年もアスペンに家族や友達を引き連れてクリスマスホリデーしに行くようです。クリスマスの過ごし方についてお話してくれていますが、今年もスノボに挑戦するらしいですよ。何でも6年前からやろうとやろうと試みてるらしいのですが、休み中は午後3時まで寝てるらしくリフトは4時までしか動いてないらしくいつもできないらしい(爆)オイオイ!誰か起こせ!(笑)また、シャネルやディオールのスキーウェアでお洒落してスキーするのが楽しいらしいです。その後は街に出て買い物をしに行ったりするそうで、クリスマスツリーにはもちろん蝶を飾り付けたり、ホットココアにバタースカッチ・シュナップス?リキュールの一種だと思いますが、これを入れて飲んだりして温まってるようです。あと、昔から好きな乗馬もやってるみたいです。お姫様はミスルトゥの下でKissするお相手はJackしか考えられないそうです。日本ではミスルトゥのLoveネタは知らない人も多いと思いますが、この木の下でKissしたカップルは結婚できるとかずっと一緒にいられるとかそういうラブ・ジンクスがあるのす。Jackは本当に愛されて幸せですね〜。Jackは雪が大好きで外に出ては雪の中をピョンピョン飛び跳ねて遊び狂ってるそうです(笑)あと、先日お姫様風邪引いてたようでお兄ちゃまが元気付けようと風船のピラミッド?なんかよくわかりませんがそれを送ってきてくれたそうです。また、先週は友達がHello Kittyパーティーを開いてくれたそうです。またKittyのTシャツ着てKittyの顔がワイドになってたんでしょうね(爆)クリスマスの写真またオフィシャルで上がるでしょうから楽しみですね。

I Source: Mariah Connection UK I

■ Vote For Mariah!

Mariah is on a roll! Help Mariah cap off an incredible year by making her #1 on the following polls/countdowns:

BET's 106 & Park Video Countdown
Mariah continues her #1 streak on BET as her video for "Don't Forget About Us" Careys off a 14th consecutive day at the top spot on the 106 & Park countdown!

MTV's Total Request Live
The "Don't Forget About Us" video climbed two spots to the #2 position on Thursday's countdown.

VH1 Top 20 Video Countdown
"Don't Forget About Us" is at #3 on this week's VH1 Top 20 Video Countdown! Post your vote online!

Battle of the Bands: Mariah Carey vs. Kelly Clarkson
These divas rule the charts this year, but only one can earn the title of 2005's reigning queen.

What should win the Grammy for album of the year ?
CNN's new poll.

Grammys '06: Who Do You Want To Win Best Album?
AOL Music asks.

Radio Music Awards: What is Your Pick for Song of the Year? wants to know.

Mariah vs. J. Lo: Whose Team Are You On?
It's a musical match-up from Entertainment Weekly's record-biz winners and losers. Tell them what you think!

MSN Favorites For 2005
Vote for Mariah for Artist and Album of the Year!

HitzRadio Yearly Top 100 Countdown
Voting ends on December 18, 2005 at midnight EST, so be quick!

What's Your Favourite Christmas Tune ?
VH1 UK wants to know! Winner will be announced on the show Friday, Dec. 16th.


I Source : HBF I

December 13

■ Special "Thank You" Message From Mariah To The Fans !

"Yeah.... I can't even know what to say!!!! The past few weeks have been so amazing for me and I just needed to reach out and let you all know how much I truly appreciate your love and support!

Thank you to all the nice folks that came out for the Platinum Edition LA & London in-stores. I hope everyone got the snacks I sent cause I know the long lines can get a lil' bleak but getting to spend some time and talk with you all is always something that makes me very happy!

Thank you for all the support you guys have been showing Don't Forget About Us, #1 on 106 & Park & # 2 on TRL last week, very PIP, very PIP!

For all the well wishes that have been coming in from you all for the Billboard Award wins and now for the 8 (no I still can't believe it's actually 8!) GRAMMY award nominations, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You guys have always been here for me and I know these awards & nominations would never had happened if it wasn't for you all being the greatest fans so thank ya much and I will be calling in to you all very soon...

P.S. It's 9 days and counting until my Holiday Vacation when I can finally get some time to read through all the FLANTASTIC fan books I have been getting and I'm looking forward to getting all the festive Xmas tree ornaments from the HBF folks too!

Love ya, appreciate & enjoy ya much!"



I Source: I

December 9

■ 4 Degrees Presents Mariah Carey's Cipriani 42 NYE 2006 Event

4 Degrees Presents
Mariah Carey's Cipriani 42 NYE 2006 Event
Hosted by
Ryan Seacrest

Saturday, December 31st, 2005

Cipriani 42nd St
110 East 42nd St
New York, NY 10017

Dress to impress

Music by
DJ Reach (carson Daly Show)
DJ Exacta Spinning House

General Admission
Premium Open Bar All Night
Light Show
Live Televised Ball Drop
Champagne Toast at Midnight
Complimentary 3AM Breakfast

VIP Admission
Includes all General Admission benefits AND
Admission to VIP Area

Tables for 6 Guests
Includes all General Admission benefits AND
1 bottle of champagne and 1 bottle of vodka plus mixers
Gratuity not included

VIP Tables for 6 Guests
Includes all General Admission benefits AND
1 bottle of champagne and 1 bottle of vodka plus mixers
AND Admission to VIP Area
Gratuity not included

After Midnight Admission
Admission from 1AM - 5AM
Open Bar from 1AM - 5AM

Prices subject to change


I Source :, Thanks to Heroes Of Mariah I

■ Mariah To Perform In New York's Times Square On New Year's Eve

3... 2... 1... MIMI!: The year 2005 won't be over until the phat lady sings.

In a conference call promoting the forthcoming edition of Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve 2006, co-host Ryan Seacrest told that Mariah Carey, she of the eight Grammy nods, will be on hand to usher in 2006.

"We've added some great things [to the telecast], including a live performance by Mariah Carey in Times Square," Seacrest revealed. "This is the first time in the history of Dick's show that they've done a live performance there, leading up to the ball-drop. She will be right there in the middle of all the action." By action, he means "drunken tourists engaged in fistfights."

Note: Mariah's appearance on the show has yet to be confirmed or announced by her management.


I Source: TV Guide , Thanks to Mariah Daily|

■ "The Emancipation of Mimi" Certified 5x Platinum!

The Emancipation of Mimi has been certified 5 Times Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America for sales (shipments) of five million records in the US.

This brings Mariah's certifications total to 63x platinum records, ranked at #13 overall and #2 female (second only to Barbra Streisand with 72x platinum certifications.)

"The Emancipation of Mimi" is Mariah's eighth album to be certified 5x platinum or more.

Here is the breakdown of Mariah's albums certifications:

10xp: Daydream, Music Box
9xp: Mariah Carey
5xp: Merry Christmas, Butterfly, #1's, Emotions, The Emancipation of Mimi
3xp: MTV Unplugged, Rainbow
1xp: Glitter, Greatest Hits, Charmbracelet


I Source: RIAA, Thanks to Mariah Daily I

■ Billboard Updates

The Emancipation of Mimi ▲5
Billboard 200: #7 (Last Week #6)
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums: #3 (Last Week #4)
Sales this week: 109,580 (-46%)
Total Sales: 4,234,210

Don't Forget About Us
Billboard Hot 100: #7 (Last Week #12)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #2 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Pop 100: #10 (Last Week #12)
Billboard Pop 100 Airplay: #5 (Last Week #7)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #3 (Last Week #8)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #2 (Last Week #8)
Billboard Adult R&B: #32 (Last Week #35)
Billboard Mainstream Top 40: #6 (Last Week #8)
Billboard Rhythmic Top 40: #3 (Last Week #5)
Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play: #10 (Last Week #20)
Billboard Dance Radio Airplay: #2 (Last Week #7)
Billboard Hot Videoclip Tracks: #1 (Last Week #1)

Shake It Off
Billboard Hot 100: #24 (Last Week #20)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #19 (Last Week #18)
Billboard Pop 100: #23 (Last Week #19)
Billboard Pop 100 Airplay: #15 (Last Week #13)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #17 (Last Week #18)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #16 (Last Week #15)
Billboard Adult R&B: #7 (Last Week #6)
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #82 (Last Week #67)
Billboard Hot Ringtones: #19 (Last Week #16)
Sales this week: 5,744 (-22%)
Total sales: 320,813

We Belong Together ▲
Billboard Hot 100: #49 (Last Week #40)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #37 (Last Week #30)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #39 (Last Week #33)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #38 (Last Week #31)
Billboard Adult R&B: #15 (Last Week #11)
Billboard Hot Singles Sales: #40 (Last Week #28)
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #104 (Last Week #90)
Billboard Hot Ringtones: #22 (Last Week #21)
Sales this week: 4,730 (-15%)
Total sales: 647,710

So Lonely
Billboard Pop 100: #94 (Last Week #100)

Merry Christmas▲5
Billboard Top Holiday Albums: #11 (Last Week #12)
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Catalog Albums: #1 (Last Week #1)
Billboard Top Pop Catalog Albums: #8 (Last Week #9)
Billboard Comprehensive Albums: #61 (Last Week #75)
Sales this week (approx.): 29,400 (+22%)
Total sales (approx.) : 4,562,600

All I Want For Christmas Is You
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #4 (Last Week #15)
Billboard Hot Digital Tracks: #3 (Last Week #11)
Billboard Hot Ringtones: #8 (Debut)
Billboard Hot Singles Recurrents: #1 (Last Week #2)
Sales this week: 34,333 (+90%)
Total Sales: 167,413

Mariah Carey, Greatest Hits▲
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Catalog Albums: #21 (Last Week #14)

From Billboard's Char Beat: HAT TRICK: A 12-7 move on the Billboard Hot 100 for "Don't Forget About Us" (Island) gives Mariah Carey a third top 10 hit from her album "The Emancipation of Mimi" ("Forget" comes from a revised version of the CD), following "We Belong Together" and "Shake It Off."

This is the first time that Carey has had three top 10 hits from one album in more than nine years. The "Daydream" CD yielded three top 10 hits in 1995-1996: "Fantasy," "One Sweet Day" (recorded with Boyz II Men) and "Always Be My Baby."

I Source: Billboard Magazine, Thanks to Mariah Daily I

December 8

■ グラミー賞 マライア、カニエ、ジョン・レジェンドが8部門にノミネート

お待ちかね!現地時間の8日朝、今年のグラミー賞のノミネーション・リストがついに発表となった。48回目となる今年は、マライア・キャリー、カニエ・ウェスト、ジョン・レジェンドが、それぞれ最多の8部門にノミネートされた。マライアはアルバム『MIMI』がアルバム・オブ・ザ・イヤーなどにノミネートされたほか、「It’s Like That」や「We Belong Together」などのシングルが最優秀女性ポップヴォーカル賞などにノミネートされた。

「昨日は遅かったから、朝5時に起きるのはつらかったわ。でもそこまで早起きするのにピッタリな理由よね」と賞を発表するプレゼンターを務めたマライアはMTV Newsに語った。「本当に最高の朝だわ。大好きな音楽を作れるなんて、すごく恵まれていると思う。今年は既に最高だけど、今回のノミネーションは本当に信じられないこと」。

「Gold Digger」がレコード・オブ・ザ・イヤーにノミネートされたカニエは、8つのノミネーションをこのように語っている。





I Source :  MTV Japan I

■ ひとりでチュウチュウできない!?歌姫マライアに婚約疑惑浮上!


実はマライアにはつい先日も婚約説が浮上していて、昨年ごろから交際しているというミュージックエグゼクティブのマーク・スダックさんがマライアにプロポーズしたという話が流れていた。マークさんはマライアのカムバックヒットとなったアルバムThe Emancipation of Mimiの製作に携わった一人で、マライアが非常に信頼していると言われ「マライアはマークのことをひたすら隠していて、このロマンスを大切に守っている。マライアはマークのことを「ラッキーなお守り」だとも考えているらしい」とのこと。






I Source : I

■ 第48回 グラミー賞最多ノミネーション!

アメリカ最大の音楽賞『第48回 グラミー賞』のノミネーションが発表となり、マライア・キャリーとカニエ・ウェストがJohn Legendと並び、最多8部門でノミネートされました(カニエは、プロデューサーとしてノミネートされた2部門を含む)。選考は、'04年10月1日〜'05年9月30日の間に全米リリースされた作品が対象となっています。なお、'06年2月8日にロサンゼルスのStaples Centerで開催される授賞式の模様は、CBSテレビを通じて全米に生中継される予定です。

また、12月8日の早朝にニューヨークのGotham Hallで開催された『第48回 グラミー賞』ノミネーション発表セレモニーには、マライア・キャリーがプレゼンターとして出席。自ら最多ノミネート・アーティストとなった彼女は、米MTVに対し、次のようにコメントしました。「昨夜は遅くまで“Grammy Honors”のディナー・パーティに出席していたから、今朝5時に起きなきゃいけないのは少し大変だったわ。でも、早起きした甲斐があったのよ。とても素晴らしい朝になったし、私は大好きな音楽を作ることができて、本当に恵まれていると思うの。すでに私のここ1年間は認められていると思う。でも、これらすべての部門のノミネーションは、本当に素晴らしいわ。」 なお、マライア・キャリーのノミネート部門は以下の通りです。

Record Of The Year:「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」
Album Of The Year:『MIMI』
Song Of The Year:「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」
Best Female Pop Vocal Performance:「イッツ・ライク・ザット」
Best Female R&B Vocal Performance:「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」
Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance:「マイン・アゲイン」
Best R&B Song:「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」
Best Contemporary R&B Album:『MIMI』

I Source : Universal Music Japan I

■ 米『2005 Billboard Music Awards』受賞報告

アメリカの音楽業界誌ビルボードが主催する『2005 Billboard Music Awards』の授賞式が開催され、50セントがGreen Dayと並び最多6部門で受賞しました。続いてマライア・キャリーが5部門で、グウェン・ステファニーが2部門で受賞しています。当日、パリに滞在していて欠席した50セントには、司会のL.L.クールJが携帯電話を通じて受賞を伝えました。また、特別賞である“Artist Achievement Award”を受賞したカニエ・ウェストは、トロフィーを受け取る際、「最初ここに来た時は、(受賞できなくて)怒ったよ。俺は、自分が一番グレイトだと思っているからね。そして、今でも自分が一番グレイトだと思っているよ」とコメントしています。

12月6日にラスベガスのMGM Grand Garden Arenaで開催された授賞式では、グウェン・ステファニーとアシュリー・シンプソンがパフォーマンスを披露。グウェンはSlim Thugと共に「ラグジュリアス」をプレイし、アシュリーはPretty Rickyと共に「Grind With Me」〜「L.O.V.E.」をメドレーで披露しています。この模様はFOXテレビを通じて全米に生中継されました。なお、マライア・キャリーの受賞部門は以下の通りです。

Female Billboard 200 Album Artist Of The Year
Hot 100 Song Of The Year:「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」
Hot 100 Airplay Of The Year:「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」
Rhythmic Top 40 Title Of The Year:「ウィ・ビロング・トゥゲザー」
Female R&B/Hip-Hop Artist Of The Year

I Source : Universal Music Japan I

■ Mariah Tops The List Of Grammy Nominations with 8!

Congratulations Mimi!!

Mariah received nominations in the following categories:

Album of the Year - The Emancipation of Mimi
Song of the Year - We Belong Together
Record of the Year - We Belong Together
Best Female Pop Vocal Performance - It's Like That
Best Female R&B Vocal Performance - We Belong Together
Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance - Mine Again
Best R&B Song - We Belong Together
Best Contemporary R&B Album - The Emancipation Of Mimi

U2, Mariah Top Likely Grammy Nods

U2's year started off with two Grammys and an induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The band's bookend to 2005 may be multiple Grammy nods, the rockers are heavily favored to be mentioned when nominations are announced Thursday.

Other favorites include Mariah Carey, who had an amazing comeback year with her album "The Emancipation of Mimi." Carey is scheduled to be on hand as the nominations are read, along with John Legend, Nickelback's Chad Kroeger and Big & Rich. Though not always a given, those who are present when nominations are read typically find themselves among the nominees.

Other strong contenders include Kanye West, Coldplay, Gwen Stefani and Kelly Clarkson.

"I think Mariah Carey, Gwen Stefani and Kanye West are going to be going at it for who has the most awards," said Steve Stoute, a former music industry executive who remains tapped into the scene through his company Translations, which links music superstars with commercial products. "They have songs that have song-of-the-year potential on their albums."

Still, Carey is likely to lead the pack. Her career had been languishing in recent years, and some insiders doubted whether the multi-octave singer could return to her multiplatinum ways after a series of debacles, including a breakdown and being bought out of her record contract with Virgin Records.

"The Emancipation of Mimi" proved the skeptics wrong. Not only did it sell more than 4 million copies, making it the No. 2 best-selling album of the year, it also spawned one of the year's most popular songs, the torch ballad "We Belong Together."

Though the Grammy nominations will be held in New York, the actual awards are scheduled for Los Angeles on Feb. 8. They will be broadcast on CBS.

gr88888888!!!!WOW! ついにグラミー賞の候補者が発表されました。お姫様は本命視されてたとおり何と8部門ノミネートされました!すご〜〜〜い!まだ獲ったわけじゃないけどすでに気分はハイテンション♪ 本当に光栄ですね。今年はU2との主要部門での争いになりそうですね。オヤジロックに負けてたまるか〜〜!(笑)

I Source : Grammy com, CBS News I

■ New York Chapter Of The Recording Academy Honors 2005

Singer Mariah Carey poses at the 2005 Recording Academy Honors at Gotham Hall in New York City December 7, 2005.

2005 Recording Academy Honorsを授賞したので Gotham Hallにて出席しました。おぉ〜Yokoさんも一緒に写ってるじゃないですかぁ!

I Source : Wire Image , Getty Images I

■ MiMi's Billboard backstage interview

MC's Billboard backstage interview by E. Tonight
Click Here >>> E. Tonight


I Source : ET Online, Thanks to Moonstar I

■ Mariah, Kanye lead Grammy buzz

Mariah had a comeback year, 50 Cent dropped another multiplatinum album, Coldplay was hot and Kanye West beat the sophomore jinx. Gwen Stefani made us holla, and Kelly Clarkson reveled in being free and the Black Eyed Peas celebrated those lovely lady lumps.

But while a lot of artists combined for some memorable music this year, few dominated the music scene like in years’ past. So it’s unlikely that one name will dominate this year’s Grammy nominations, which are to be announced in New York on Thursday morning. Instead, expect a few top acts to get the lion’s share of the nominations.

“I think Mariah Carey, Gwen Stefani and Kanye West are going to be going at it for who has the most awards,” says Steve Stoute, a former music industry executive who has remained tapped into the scene through his company Translations, which links top music superstars with commercial products. “They have songs that have song-of-the-year potential on their albums.”

Carey, he feels, is likely to be chief among the group. Her career had been languishing in recent years, and some industry insiders doubted whether the multi-octave singer could return to her multiplatinum ways after a series of debacles, including a breakdown and being bought out of her record contract with Virgin Records.

“The Emancipation of Mimi” proved the skeptics wrong, however. Not only did it sell more than 4 million copies, making it the No. 2 best-selling album of the year, it also spawned one of the year’s most popular songs, the torch ballad “We Belong Together.”

“I think Mariah Carey has a really big chance of making a really big statement,” said Stoute. “I think Mariah Carey is the big winner.”

Carey is expected to be nominated in the top categories, including album of the year and perhaps song and record of the year for “We Belong Together.”

さぁいよいよ明日グラミー賞のノミネートが発表されますが、お姫様は何部門ノミネートされるのかが注目されていますね。情報筋によればやはり主要部門を含めて今年はMariahが一番のメインになるだろうと予想されています。あとカニエちゃんもね。他にも先日のAMA同様に50セントやグウェンちゃんやColdplayやGreenDayなど名前も出ていますが、各カテゴリーでは名前はあがるけど台風の目になることはないだろうと思われます。発表楽しみですね〜。今年のいろんな授賞式ではSong Of The YearはとってもAlbum Of The Yearは逃してるケースが多いので是非最高峰のグラミーで獲って欲しいです。もっとTEOMは認められるべきアルバムだと思います、本当に。

■ Mariah Reads 'Peter Pan' To Kids

Mariah joins Cathy Rigby as 'Peter Pan' as they entertain children at Madison Square Garden in New York, Wednesday, December 7, 2005. Children from the Fresh Air Fund and winners selected by radio station WKTU were treated to a special holiday reading of 'Peter Pan' by Mariah. Rigby is starring in the 'Peter Pan' stage musical at the arena during the holiday season.


I Source :  Mariah Daily I

■ "Don't Forget About Us" Leaps To #7 On Hot 100

In its 9th week on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles chart, "Don't Forget About Us" moves five places from #12 to #7! and becomes Mariah's 25th top 10 single! Mariah's two other songs on the Hot 100 are "Shake It Off" at #24 (down from #20) and "We Belong Together" at #49 (down from #40).

On the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks chart, "Don't Forget About Us" rises five places to #3! On the same chart, "Shake It Off" sits at #17 and "We Belong Together," at #39.  Stay tuned for more Billboard updates.


I Source: Billboard Magazine, Mariah Daily I

■ Mariah Leads Third Annual GV Music & Fashion Awards with 6 Nominations!

Mariah Carey's magical comeback year continues as the singer topped the list of nominees for the Third Annual GV Music & Fashion Awards, leading the way with six nods.

"Few would argue that Mariah Carey is one of the best stories of the year. Like a phoenix from the ashes, Mariah ignored the so-called haters while her career rose to a new level." Editor-in-Chief Chauncy Jackson said, adding "With L.A. Reid's guidance, Carey released a superb album which benefited from an even more successful marketing plan"

Mariah received nominations in the following categories:

Album of the Year - The Emancipation of Mimi
Song of the Year - We Belong Together
Best Pop Album (Female) - The Emancipation of Mimi
Best Song Performance Pop (Female) - We Belong Together
Best Deep Cut Pop (Unreleased Album track) - Circles
Best Song Performance R&B/Soul (Female) - We Belong Together

You can cast your vote for Mariah by logging on to from December 20, 2005 to January 27, 2006 and the winners will be announced on February 4, 2006.

はい、今度は第3回GV Music&Fashion Awardsで6部門にノミネートされたようです。12月20日から来年の1月27日までオンラインで投票が受け付けられますのでまた皆さん投票しにいきましょう。結果は2月4日に発表されます。

I Source : HBF I

■ Mariah Wins XM Satellite Radio Award

Congratulations Mimi!

The votes are in and Mariah with an overwhelming 59% of the votes won a XM Nation Award in her nominated category for Best Comeback Of The Year. Now we all here at HBF know Mariah never went anywhere but we are happy to take the award just the same!


I Source : HBF I

■ "Don't Forget About Us" Digital Release on Dec. 13

The Five Days of Remixes
"Don't Forget About Us", digital single available to download on December 13th for the first time at all digital retailers.

Plus - additional exclusive remixes available on the 13th for download too! Be sure to collect all versions on December 13th.

iTunes: "Don't Forget About Us" remix featuring Juelz Santana & Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, also available on the 13th.


I Source: I

December 7

■ 2005 Billboard Music Awards Winners

DL MiMi's Speech >>> Mariah Daily

Below are the winners of the 2005 Billboard Music Awards handed out Dec. 6 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and broadcast live on Fox.

Here are the winners of the 2005 Billboard Music Awards:

• Billboard Century Award: Tom Petty
• Artist Achievement Award: Kanye West
• Artist of the Year: 50 Cent
• New Artist of the Year: Gwen Stefani
• Album of the Year: "The Massacre," 50 Cent (Shady/Aftermath/Interscope)
• Billboard 200 Album Group of the Year: Green Day

• Female Billboard 200 Album Artist of the Year: Mariah Carey
• Pop Group of the Year: Green Day
• Hot 100 Artist of the Year: 50 Cent
• Hot 100 Group of the Year: Green Day
• Hot 100 Song of the Year: "We Belong Together," Mariah Carey (Island)
• Hot 100 Airplay of the Year: "We Belong Together," Mariah Carey (Island)
• Top-Selling Hot 100 Song of the Year: "Inside Your Heaven/Independence Day," Carrie Underwood (Arista)
• Rhythmic Top 40 Title of the Year: "We Belong Together," Mariah Carey (Island)
• R&B/Hip-Hop Artist of the Year: 50 Cent
• Female R&B/Hip-Hop Artist of the Year: Mariah Carey
• R&B/Hip-Hop Group of the Year: Destiny's Child
• R&B/Hip-Hop Song of the Year: "Let Me Love You," Mario (3rd Street/J)
• R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay Song of the Year: "Let Me Love You," Mario (3rd Street/J)
• Rap Artist of the Year: 50 Cent
• Rap Song of the Year: "Lovers & Friends," Lil Jon & the Eastside Boyz featuring Usher & Ludacris (TVT)
• Rock Artist of the Year: Green Day
• Rock Song of the Year: Boulevard of Broken Dreams," Green Day (Reprise)
• Modern Rock Artist of the Year: Green Day
• Ringtone of the Year" "Candy Shop," 50 Cent featuring Olivia (Shady/Aftermath/Interscope)
• Digital Song of the Year: "Hollaback Girl," Gwen Stefani (Interscope)
• Country Artist of the Year: Toby Keith
• Country Album Artist of the Year: Toby Keith
• Country Single Sales Artist of the Year: Carrie Underwood
• Top-Selling Country Single of the Year: "Inside Your Heaven/Independence Day," Carrie Underwood (Arista)
• Latin Album Artist of the Year: Daddy Yankee
• Latin Album of the Year: "Barrio Fino," Daddy Yankee (El Cartel/Machete)
• Latin Song of the Year: "La Tortura," Shakira featuring Alejandro Sanz (Epic)
• Latin Pop Album of the Year: "Fijacion Oral Vol. 1," Shakira (Epic)
• Latin Pop Album Artist of the Year: Shakira
• Comedy Artist of the Year: Larry the Cable Guy
• Comedy Album of the Year: "The Right to Bare Arms," Larry the Cable Guy (Jack/Warner Bros.)

I came to have a party!Open up the Bacardi;)Feeling so hot tamale!! Congratulations MIMI :D はい、なんて素敵な一日だったんでしょう!ビルボードアウォードで7部門ノミネートのうち5部門受賞の快挙です。う〜ん、ちょっと主要2部門が獲れなかったのが納得いかないのですが...。この結果を見てもわかるようにファンの力ってすごいですね〜。リクエストの賜物です(笑)スピーチでは忘れないように自分の携帯にあらかじめ用意してたThank youメッセージを見ながら言ってましたね(笑)昔は紙を読み上げてましたが時代と共にスピーチスタイルも進化したな...っと思いながら見てました(笑)私はFemale R&B賞の時のファンにありがとうを言ってくれてるところにすごい感動しました。今日履いていたこのButterflyのサンダル、Vibeの時も履いていたのですがなんだか縁起を担いだサンダルになりましたね〜。グラミー賞でもこれ履いてほしいな。

I Source : Billboard , Thanks to Mariah Daily I

■ MiMi's Shoes Room Page Open !!


■ Mariah on the Des & Mel Show

DL Here >>> Mariah Daily

Earlier today, Mariah appeared on the live show with Des & Mel in London. During the interview, Mariah cleared up a few rumors such as the alarm going off the other day in her hotel room and giving the cab driver who took her to the HMV signing a hefty £150 tip!

Des challenged Mariah to arm wrestle but she declined claiming that her ensemble wasn't appropriate. As soon as the interview finished, Mariah needed to rush to the airport and get a plane to the US for the Billboard Awards.

Thank u  always, Mimi !! UKプロモ最後の朝のTV番組に出演したお姫様。WBTもパフォーマンスしてインタビューへ。おぉ....また話の流れでJackの話題へ。ありがとう、姫。今度は日本へ来たときに目覚ましTVにでもしゃべってください(笑)このあと、すぐにLVへ向かうため空港へ向かったそうです。

I Thanks to Mariah Daily I


December 6

■ Mariah Loves Us

As an internationally famous singing superstar she is more used to receiving awards. But now Mariah Carey has started doling them out, too. She surprised our Caroline by presenting her with a personalised engraved disc to mark 600,000 UK sales of her Emancipation Of Mimi album at a special ceremony at London's Home House on Friday.

"This year has been so incredible for me and I couldn't have done it without your support," said Mariah. "The Mirror has really got behind me and I'm totally grateful. This is just a small gesture to say thanks." It's been our pleasure, love... And we're not the only ones who thinkyou are fab. Yesterday, 8,000 fans turned up to see the chart beauty - whose new single, Don't Forget About Us is out next Monday - at a a signing session at the HMV in London's Oxford Street.

A security source admitted: "There hasn't been anything like this in years. It was pandemonium but Mariah loved it. "She was going to arrive in a helicopter but we couldn't get permission for it to land so she took a black cab. "She tipped the driver £150 and he told her she was now the official cabbies' pin-up."

As we revealed a few months ago, Mariah is planning an extended stay in the UK next year. And it won't be in any run-of-the-mill digs. "I want to buy a hotel," she said. "Somewhere small and intimate. I could live there while I'm here and when I go back to the States other people could stay. There's a place in Chelsea with only 10 rooms that sounds fabulous. I could have a Mimi Suite which would be really girly.

"There'd be a salon, too. I trained at beauty school so I know how important a good manicure is."

If any-one can nail it, she can...


I Source : I

■ Mariah Leaving London Hotel This Morning


I Source : The Mariah Network I

December 5

■ Mariah Prepares for Christmas

Awwwwww!Daaaarling!!Cute 1000%!!!きゃ〜〜〜何ですかこれらの写真?!突然現れてビックリしましたが...ちょっとちょっとちょっと〜この一番左のMiMi&Jackの写真即死しそうなほど可愛いすぎてヤバイ!姫も凄まじく超綺麗だし、それよりもJack! Nice Smail:) ちょっとこれは一番好きな写真になりましたよ、マジで。カワイすぎぃ〜〜〜!!

I Source : Mariah Daily I

■ Mariah Evacuated From Hotel In Bathrobe

Mariah Carey had to be evacuated from a London hotel yesterday - while she was wearing just a dressing gown. The singer, who is in the UK to promote a new album, was in the bath when the fire alarm went off. She was forced to pull on a bathrobe before hurrying down a fire escape.

An onlooker told the Sunday Mirror, "It was incredible - seeing one of the world's most beautiful women just running around in a dressing gown." After 30 minutes, Mariah was allowed to return to her hotel room.


I Source : Digital Spy I

December 4

■ Mariah's HMV UK In-Store

US pop singer Mariah Carey meets fans and signs copies of her award-winning album "The Emancipation Of Mimi: Ultra Platinum Edition" at HMV Oxford Street on December 4, 2005 in London, England.


I Source : gettyimages I

December 3

■ Mariah In London


I Source : The Mariah Network I

■ Mariah Honored With Germany's Prestigious BAMBI Award

BAMBI for Pop-Diva Mariah Carey. The most successful Pop and R&B Singer of all time receives Germany痴 biggest Media award in Munich.

Mariah Carey, one of the most glamorous pop stars in the world, was honored in Munich, Germany on December 1 with the BAMBI for the category of Pop International artist. With over 150 million CDs sold worldwide and 16 Number One hits she is the most successful Pop and R&B singers of all time and one of the most dazzling figures of the international music scene.

Photo: Mariah & Karl Lagerfeld who was the recipient of a Bambi Award for Most Creative

先日のBambi賞のバックステージでシャネルでお馴染みのカールのじっちゃんと2ショット。他にももっとクリントンさんとか著名人との写真UPされたらいいのにな〜。あっ、そうそうこのBambi賞はMariahDailyでDLできるのでまだの人はDLしに行ってくださいね。前のファッション・ロックの時と同じWBTメドレーをやってました。ちょっとToo Deep!んときのお肉が凄まじかったのが印象的でした....(苦笑)

I Source : I

■ Billboard Updates

The Emancipation of Mimi ▲4
Billboard 200: #6 (Last Week #4)
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums: #4 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Top Internet Albums: #20 (Re-Entry)
Sales this week: 204,100 (+10%)
Total Sales: 4,124,630

Don't Forget About Us
Billboard Hot 100: #12 (Last Week #11)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #2 (Last Week #4)
Billboard Pop 100: #12 (Last Week #11)
Billboard Pop 100 Airplay: #7 (Last Week #9)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #8 (Last Week #10)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #8 (Last Week #10)
Billboard Adult R&B: #35 (Last Week #40)
Billboard Mainstream Top 40: #8 (Last Week #8)
Billboard Rhythmic Top 40: #5 (Last Week #6)
Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play: #20 (Last Week #32)
Billboard Dance Radio Airplay: #7 (Last Week #12)
Billboard Hot Videoclip Tracks: #1 (Last Week #1)

Shake It Off
Billboard Hot 100: #20 (Last Week #18)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #18 (Last Week #13)
Billboard Pop 100: #19 (Last Week #15)
Billboard Pop 100 Airplay: #13 (Last Week #10)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #18 (Last Week #12)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #15 (Last Week #12)
Billboard Mainstream Top 40: #16 (Last Week #13)
Billboard Adult R&B: #6 (Last Week #6)
Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play: #46 (Last Week #36)
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #67 (Last Week #53)
Billboard Hot Ringtones: #16 (Last Week #9)

We Belong Together ▲
Billboard Hot 100: #40 (Last Week #33)
Billboard Hot 100 Airplay: #30 (Last Week #26)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks: #33 (Last Week #32)
Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay: #31 (Last Week #32)
Billboard Adult Contemporary: #6 (Last Week #7)
Billboard Adult R&B: #11 (Last Week #10)
Billboard Hot Singles Sales: #28 (Last Week #33)
Billboard Hot Ringtones: #21 (Last Week #19)

So Lonely
Billboard Pop 100: #100 (Debut)

Merry Christmas▲5
Billboard Top Holiday Albums: #12 (Last Week #18)
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Catalog Albums: #1 (Last Week #2)
Billboard Top Pop Catalog Albums: #9 (Last Week #16)
Sales this week: 23,974 (+120%)
Total sales (approx.) : 4,533,300

All I Want For Christmas Is You
Billboard Hot Digital Songs: #15 (Last Week #40)
Billboard Hot Digital Tracks: #11 (Last Week #35)
Sales this week: 18,071 (+104%)
Total Sales: 133,080

Mariah Carey, Greatest Hits▲
Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Catalog Albums: #14 (Last Week #13)
Sales this week: 6,281 (+66%)

Here are Mariah's top selling records this week:
1. Merry Christmas: 23,974 (+120%)
2. Greatest Hits: 6,281 (+66%)
3. #1s: 1,348 (+27%)
4. Remixes: 554 (+27%)
5. Butterfly: 554 (+31%)
6. Rainbow: 433 (+55%)
7. #1s (Video): 395 (+35%)
8. Charmbracelet: 382 (+29%)
9. Glitter: 292 (+51%)
10. Music Box: 178 (+10%)
11. Daydream: 168 (+22%)
12. Around the World (Video): 123 (+18%)
13. Mariah Carey: 101 (+19%)
14. Through the Rain: 63 (+15%)
15. Emotions: 32 (+19%)
16. MTV Unplugged: 23 (+77%)


I Source: Billboard Magazine, Mariah Daily I

December 2

HMVでのサイン会のためロンドンのOxford Streetにヘリコプターで場!?

12月4日にマライア・キャリーが、ロンドンのOxford StreetにあるHMVでサイン会を開催することになりました。このサイン会は、12月2日にアルバム『MIMI』のPlatinum Editionを購入したファンを対象に開催されるもので、参加できるファンはごく少数に限られるということです(先着順)。なお、当日マライアは、ヘリコプターを使って、クリスマス・ショッピングの人々でにぎわうOxford Streetに降り立つ予定だそうです。


I Source : Universal Music Japan I

■ マライヤ・キャリー、「バンビ賞」を受賞


I Source : Reuters I

■ Mariah Receives 'Bambi' Award

Mariah Carey, Bill Clinton share limelight at German awards

Pop singer Mariah Carey and former U.S. President Bill Clinton shared the limelight Thursday at a gala prize ceremony hosted by millionaire German magazine publisher Hubert Burda. Clinton received a prize for his charity work, encouraging drug companies to provide cheap drugs to counter AIDS in the world's poorest nations, while Carey was honoured for services to music.

All 15 prizewinners received "Bambis", gold-plated statuettes of a deer. The annual awards, offered for the 57th year, are funded by Burda. A team of editors from his publishing business, Hubert Burda Media, choose the winners.

バンビ賞を受賞したお姫様の様子です。最近マイブームなんでしょうか?このMCマイク(笑)今日はとってもフォーマルに決めていて綺麗ですね。尚、お姫様はWBT REmixをパフォーマンスしたようです。Bambiトロフィー超可愛いですね〜。あっ、それと昨晩NFL日本でも流れましたので今朝ファイルアップしておきましたので欲しい方はDLしてくださいね。

I Source: Mariah Daily I

■ Mariah Cancels Appearance On Parkinson

Mariah's taping of the UK TV show with Michael Parkinson has been cancelled.

The show was scheduled to be taped on December 6th, and seems to have been cancelled so that Mariah can attend the Billboard Awards that takes place on the same night in Las Vegas. Mariah's appearance on the awards show hasn't been confirmed by the label yet.

On December 7th, Mariah will be back in New York for two events:

Reading "Peter Pan" to children, an event sponsored by the NY radio station KTU.

Being honored by the New York Chapter of the NARAS (Grammy Recording Academy.)

Mariah's UK Promo Schedule

During her imminent visit to the UK in preparation for the release of the smash single, "Don't Forget About Us" on Monday, December 12, 2005, Mariah will be appearing on several leading television and radio shows.

Friday, December 2nd
--12:00pm Radio 1 - Live interview with Jo Whiley.
--4:00pm Home House, Portman Square - platinum disc

Saturday, December 3rd
--3:30pm Capital Radio - Live interview.
--4:00pm Choice FM - Live interview with Lucy Ambache.
--5:00pm Kiss 100 - Live interview with Jez Welham.
--9:00pm Radio 1 - Live interview with Tim Westwood. (TBC)

Sunday, December 4th
--12:00pm HMV Oxford - In-store CD signing
--9:00pm Galaxy FM - Live interview with Steve Sutherland

Monday, December 5th
--6:00am Heart FM, "Breakfast Show" - Live interview with
Jamie Theakston and Harriet Scott
--1:30pm ITV1, "Today with Des and Mel" - Live interview &
performance of "We Belong Together"

All times listed are BST.


I Source:, Mariah Daily I

December 1

■ Mariah Receives 7 Golden Records

US singer Mariah Carey poses during a photocall for the award to recognise the global sales of seven million copies of 'The Emancipation of Mimi' presented in Munich, southern Germany, on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2005.


I Source : Mariah Daily I

■ Mariah Arrives In Germany

Mariah arriving at the Bayerischer Hof hotel in Munich, Germany on November 29, 2005.


I Source : Mariah Daily I

■ WUDA 2005 winner selected

The World Urban Doggy Award (WUDA) was established in 2005 to recognize the outstanding talent in dog energy and love.It is considered one of the world's most prestigious awards. For the 2005 award, 41 submissions were received from worldwide journalists, veterinarians, fashion designers....The WUDA recognizes an accomplished career as true and loyal friend, and the real contribution to the dog community.

Gilles Ollevier, CEO of the WUDA, is proud to honor Jackson P. Mutley with the first WUDA award.The award ceremony will be held in December 2005 in London.

ベルギーのGilles君がThe World Urban Doggy Awardを立ち上げたようで今年の最優秀ワンちゃん賞にJackが受賞したみたいです(笑)もちろんこれは全部手作りの盾とトロフィーですがおそらくプロモでUK滞在中に渡しに行くんでしょうね(笑)お姫様も喜ぶでしょうね〜。Congratulations Jack !!

I Source : Heroes Of Mariah I

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