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June 26

■ マライアさん、慈善活動でUSJ訪問



 I  Source :  NIKKEI NET , DailySports I

■ マライア福岡へ移動


■ マライアが喋った日本語





June 26

■ ワールドツアー成功祈願の千羽蝶(1000 butterflies )

来日公演が決定してから世界情勢や新型ウィルスなどの問題で本当にワールドツアーができるのかとても心配な日々が続きました。そして私達はマライアに無事最後まで体調を壊さずツアー成功をしてもらおうと心を込めて一羽一羽2ヶ月かけて 折りました。二度と作ることがないと思うけど出来上がったときには苦労もいつの間にか笑顔に変わりました。なかなかマライアが来日してから渡せるチャンスがなかったのですがやっと直接手渡せるチャンスがあったので渡しました。とってもビックリしてあまりの綺麗さに感動してくれていました。皆一人一人が見守ってることが伝われれば嬉しいな。あと、メッセージ垂れ幕も作りました。今回は13カ国を回るのでワールドブレスレットとして各国を蝶で模り繋いでみました。自分でもなかなか気に入ってます(笑)私はあまり覚えてないんだけどマライアはこれを見て目を真ん丸に大きく開けてまたビックリして大変喜んでくれました。気に入ってもらえて何よりです!ありがとう、マライア!!

■ 6月24日大阪公演1日目セットリスト

Loking In ( Intoro )
Heartbreaker/ Heartbreaker Remix
Through The Rain
My All / My All Remix
I Know What You Want
Subtle Invitation
My Saving Grace
*Band introduction
I'll Be There
Always Be My Baby
Bringin' On The Heartbreak
Make It Happen
Hero / Butterfly
All I Want For Christmas Is You


■ ムッチリ太もも見せてマライア浪速のSEXY熱唱


I  Source : I

■ マライア「今夜は騒ぎましょう」

「世界の歌姫」が魅せた―。マライア・キャリー(33)が24日、「チャーム・ブレスレット・ツアー」の日本公演を大阪市中央区の大阪城ホールでスタート。淡いピンクの超ミニドレスで、アリーナ席に近い通路から登場すると会場を埋めた8500人は大絶叫。「スクリーム!!(今夜は騒ぎましょ)」と叫ぶと客席は興奮も頂点に達した。3年半ぶりの日本でのステージとなったこの日は「ALL I Want for Christmas」など16曲を披露。26日にも同ホールで公演を行うほか、日本武道館(東京・7月6、8、10日)など全国5都市で10公演を行う。

I  Source : I

■ ツアーグッズ

Tシャツは4〜5種類あったような...。Sサイズでも不自然なぐらい丈が長く買うのを迷うところ。多分3500円ぐらい。プログラムは昔のチビマライアの写真やら最近のものやらなかなか荒い画像でもなく綺麗ですので買うのにためらいはないと思います(2000円)。トートバッグは色が3〜4色ありました。白・グレー・紫です。ちゃっちいかな〜っとも思ったけど結構しっかりしてて持ち歩くのにもカワイイです(まぁ使うことはないと思うけど:笑)1500円。鏡もとってもカワイイです(1000円)。今回も携帯ストラップがありましたが、なんとなく夏バージョンでしょうか?紐の部分がビニール製です ( 1500円)。特にミラーとストラップが売り切れになる可能性高いと思われます。こほ他にもキーホルダーやポスター、ペンライトなどありました。グッズはちょっと遅めの5時30分ぐらいから販売していました。


June 23

■ マライア・キャリー、ヘソ出しもみくちゃ来日




I  Source : I

June 22

CB World Tour Kick-Off!!!

■ Soul Concert

セットリストを見る限り今までの定番の曲はあまりやっていなかったようです。昔の曲が半分ほどやってました。日本ではどんなパフォーマンスをしてくれるのか楽しみです。MIH, VOLはちょっと声が不調だったようなので疲れを取って大阪公演からまた頑張ってほしいです。

I  Source :  FOMM I

June 21

■ Mariah Arrives To Korea

Mariah arrived to the Incheon International Airport in Korea at 11:45 pm local time. Webdi reports that there were about 100 fans waiting at the airport. Mariah's bodyguard came out before she did and told the fans to act calmly and Mariah might come and sign autographs for the fans. The fans lines up and Mariah signed autographs for each and one of them.

"I was fourth from the right, and when Mariah was signing for me, I looked at her and said to her: 'Mariah, I love you', she looked at me back and said 'Thank You!' " - says Webdi.

"While she was signing for me, she let me take her picture.... I would've completely regretted it if I hadn't gone, I can't tell whether this is a dream or reality! I will never forget how happy she looked when she saw her Korean fans... I can't wait for this concert."


I  Source : , FOMM I

June 20

■ Son of Mariah Carey's manager dies after party

A 21-year-old man, whose mother is the manager for pop diva Mariah Carey, was found dead in an outbuilding of the family's Bernardsville home yesterday morning, allegedly after a night of partying with friends, authorities said.

Three others, including a football player from the University of Pennsylvania, were hospitalized. One of them remains in critical condition. Somerset County Prosecutor Wayne Forrest said there was evidence that the group was using alcohol and marijuana. Unidentified white tablets also were found at the scene, he said.

Conor McNally, a former hockey player at Seton Hall Prep and a student at the University of Arizona, was pronounced dead at the scene, Forrest said. An autopsy is scheduled for today. No charges have been filed, but that could change, pending the outcome of the autopsy and tests on the pills. "If the autopsy shows something like a congenital heart defect, it may not be drug-related at all," Forrest said. "If it turns out drugs were the cause of death, clearly that is cause for an investigation."

Authorities believe McNally, his girlfriend, Tiffany Rossi, 19, of California and four others were partying in what was described as a carriage house or converted studio on the seven-acre property on Jockey Hollow Road. When Rossi awoke at about 9:30 a.m. yesterday, she was unable to rouse McNally and one of the other men, and called 911, Forrest said.
Joseph Albarelli, 20, a student at the University of Pennsylvania, where he plays football, was taken to Morristown Memorial Hospital. He remained in critical condition last night.

Also taken to the hospital were Paul Wieble, 21, of Vernon, who was treated and released, and Rossi, who was listed in good condition last night. Two others, Christopher Ridley, 21, of Bernardsville and Robert Wieble, 19, of Vernon, Paul's brother, did not require medical treatment, authorities said.

Jane Swon, 55, of Mendham said she has known the McNally family for more than 12 years. "They are just a wonderful family. It's such a terrible thing to happen to just a wonderful family," she said. Swon said her son, Chris, attended Far Hills Country Day School with Albarelli and McNally and played on Seton Hall Prep's 1997-98 state championship hockey team with McNally. Albarelli attended Delbarton, where he starred in hockey and football.

McNally and Swon spent spring break together this year at the Swons' vacation home in North Carolina playing golf. McNally was an avid golfer, Jane Swon said. McNally had two sisters, Alden and Whitney. Jane Swon said McNally's parents, Michael and Louise, were home at the time of the party but were in the main house. The house is one of four in New Jersey designed by renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright. In an interview with The Star-Ledger nearly five years ago, Louise McNally talked about the house, and about raising her three children in a two-bedroom house that was created by Wright as a model of pleasing aesthetics combined with functional and economic design.

The McNallys bought the house, which sits on a winding, tree-lined road and backs up to Morristown National Historical Park, 11 years ago. They used a studio building that had been added by a previous owner -- an Iranian diplomat -- as a separate bedroom space for their children.

A neighbor on Jockey Hollow Road, Salvatore Salibello, said he'd met the McNallys several times at neighborhood functions, but had not seen them in a few years and did not really know the children.

He said Michael McNally had been a pilot for Continental Airlines and then was a bond trader. In the story published in The Star-Ledger in 1998, he was described as a computer specialist. Louise McNally was a competitive ice skater who is now pop singer Carey's manager. Jane Swon said Carey is good friends with the McNallys and the family has vacationed with her. On her albums, Carey thanks McNally in the liner notes. She refers to her as "Weezey McNally" in the notes for the album "Rainbow" and writes: "Thanks for sacrificing so much for me, my beloved partner in an ongoing quest to find the metaphorical pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow."

"It's devastating," said Donna Doria of Bayonne, whose son, Brandon, was captain of the Seton Hall hockey team when McNally played. "He was such a nice person and came from such a nice family. I can't even imagine what those families are going though." Two men came out of the McNallys' house when a reporter approached and asked her to leave, and a man who answered the phone at the house said only, "This is an inopportune time to be calling," before hanging up.


I  Source :  I

■ Craig David pulls out of Mariah tour

Craig David has pulled out of supporting Mariah Carey in the US, after poor ticket sales forced her to reschedule some gigs. The new dates clash with Craig's own European tour forcing him to cancel. He begins his first UK tour in two years in September - playing 13 dates. Mariah, meanwhile, will play two UK arena shows in October as part of her first world tour in three years.

The Charmbracelet world tour which begins in Seoul, South Korea, on June 21 also includes concerts in Japan, Russia, Sweden, Holland, Germany, Austria, France and Italy.
She told The Sun: "It's all about the fans, I want to be close to them. I am besieged by artists who want to be on my tour."


I  Source :  I

June 19

■ the remixes Japan CD


■ 日本公演でお披露目

Page Sixでのマライアの独占インタビューによると、日本公演ではBell(Isabell)という14歳の歌手(Glitterに出てた子)とNae Naeという15歳のラッパーがグループとして、そしてもう一人がDat Babyとしても知られてる子供歌手のSadie(たぶんBOYのビデオでマライアの手の上で踊ってた子)がパフォームするみたいです。

Sadieはアフリカンアメリカンのシャーリーテンプルみたいで、Nae Naeは親友のDa Bratが見つけてくれて、Bellはスタイリストさんが紹介してくれた。彼女達は歌えるし、ラップもできるからTLCみたい、と言ってました。


I  Thanks to :  Aya  I

June 18

■ South Korea Update

Mariah is currently scheduled to arrive at the Incheon International Airport in Korea sometime between 8:30 - 9:00pm on June 19th. If you could get the word out to all the fans who want to come out and greet her as she arrives at the airport that would be awesome!

Also some people have told us that there are plans to hold a Meet & Greet in South Korea. This has not been officially confirmed, but if it were to go ahead we assume it will envolve Official FanClub Members.

We are asking everyone to to tell fans about the above news and to ask all those people who will be at Seoul at this time to also make sure to check our WAP Site: [only accessable from internet mobiles/cells] on a constant basis.

明日の19日夜、いよいよCB World Tourのスタートとなる韓国へ到着します。もうほんと間も無くですが皆でこのワールド・ツアーが最後まで無事終わり成功することを願いましょう!

I Source : Mariah Connection  I

■ The One ( So So Def Remix ) / There Goes My Heart  DL

The One ( So So Def Remix ) Feat. Bone Crusher  Lyrics

So So Def (yeah)

Finally found somebody that could be the one
But I promised myself that I wouldn't give into love
And I'm scared and I'm nervous
Don't wanna be hurt anymore
This is bad cuz I know that you're the one

I'm going through a situation that I can't help
Wanna get a little closer but I promised myself
That I would never give my heart away again
See, I know it's had but you gotta understand it
The truth is all the hurt and the pain and the @#%$
That you get when you have it ain't worth it
I've been there so many times I should know better but I
Can't stop what I feel when you're next to me I really think I

Finally found somebody that could be the one
But I promised myself that I wouldn't give into love
And I'm scared and I'm nervous
Don't wanna be hurt anymore
This is bad cuz I know that you're the one

Now how you gonna tell me that I'm not the one
Baby, I need to be for sure before I give you my love
But you'll never know until you give me a chance
But there's a lot of things about me I don't think you understand
See, I've been cheated on
Baby I have too
And I've been treated wrong
I know what you've been through
See, I've been there, done that, back again
And all I'm lookin' for is my special friend
But I've been lied to and cried through
Some cold, lonely nights
I've been played and betrayed
And this fake sh*t ain't right
Tell me what you wanna do
Baby I'm just so confused
Cuz this time it might be true that baby, you're the one

See, the problem with relationships in general
Is that it's always a game
In the beginning they'll do anything to have you
But once they do it's never the same
And I know everyone out there can relate

So the question is
One, do I really wanna trust this feeling?
Two, do I wanna let it pass me by?
Three, do you think it's only superficial?
Four, could it actually be different this time?
Someone to love me
Someone to be my everything
Maybe I've stumbled upon

It's just me and you, baby
You're so sexy, you drive me crazy
You smell so good, I wish you would
Meet me in the street

There Goes My Heart Lyrics

You know me well, we go too far back
How could anyone else compete with that
So I just can't help feelin' sentimental
'Bout this in our past

We promised to keep it causal
But at times it can be so difficult
This relationship, so untipycal
And I can't understand
Tell me why, tell me why

First you love me and then you leave me
And them I'm falling back in your arms
There's no conclusion, it's so deceiving
'Cause I get taken in by your charms
Even though I try not to bend

There goes my heart again
Baby why can't we be just friends
It's a mess but we still pretend
Any fool could forsee the end
But there goes my heart again

When I feel your stare catching me off-guard
Boy it's just not fair, 'cause you know for sure
How to lure me in with that magnetic smile
Tell me why, tell me why

First you love me and then you leave me
And them I'm falling back in your arms
There's no conclusion, it's so deceiving
'Cause I get taken in by your charms
Even though I try not to bend

There goes my heart again
Baby why can't we be just friends
It's a mess but we still pretend
Any fool could forsee the end
But there goes my heart again

Tell me why, tell me why

First you love me and then you leave me
And them I'm falling back in your arms
There's no conclusion, it's so deceiving
'Cause I get taken in by your charms
Even though I try so very hard not to bend

There goes my heart again (There goes, there goes, baby)
There goes my heart again (No, no, no...)
There goes my heart again (There goes, baby)
There goes my heart again (Baby, baby, baby, baby)
There goes my heart again (There goes)
There goes my heart again (First you love me then you leave me baby)
There goes my heart again (I try to keep it casual)
There goes my heart again
There goes my heart again
There goes my heart again
There goes my heart again

One, two, three, four, five, six, seventh heaven

CB限定盤に収録されている2曲がDLできます。とりあえずライブの予習として聴いておきましょう。The Oneはオリジナルの方が私は好き。でもこのコンビのRemix久々で好きだけどボンちゃん入るとどうしてもBreakdownの延長みたいな感じに聞こえる(笑)

I Source : DivaMariah  I


June 16

■ Mariah denies golf kit rumour

Mariah Carey has admitted she was a bit mystified that people seriously thought she was designing a clothing range for golfers.She said she was originally talking about how she couldn't see the point of the sport, so she tried it out. Apparently she realised she was wearing the wrong gear, and commented on how she could design clothes for golfers - but this was misinterpreted as a career ambition rather than a throwaway comment.

Mariah also said her breakdown has made her stronger, but she does wish people would stop asking about it:

"It's just annoying because then the world is like, 'Oh, how are you? Are you okay?' Not the world, but certain people."

"And it's like, 'Hi, I was dealing with the drama two years ago, now get with the programme, you're a little slow.'"

"And even to be asked the question, you just look at the person asking and it's like, 'Hello, what year is this?'"

"We move fast in the celebrity world. It's made me into more of a fighter. If people think they want to start little fights with me and / or pick me apart or things like that, they really don't know who they're dealing with!"


I Source : Mariah Connection  I

June 15

■ CB Tour Edition CD は6月30日に延期


I Source : Universal Music Japan  I

■ Mariah台風上陸目前




New York, NY, June 13, 2003-- Mariah Carey, the world’s #1 selling female artist of all time announced today that she will embark on her first-ever theater tour this summer in support of her new album, Charmbracelet. The Charmbracelet Tour 2003 – An Intimate Evening will hit all major cities across the country beginning July 26th in Las Vegas at Caesar’s Coliseum. This is very exciting for Mariah because theaters give her the opportunity to be in a much more intimate environment with her fans. “I am passionate about doing something more intimate for my fans. I’m used to doing arena tours and for me this is a whole new experience. This is about my music and my fans,” says Carey.

Mariah will continue to give back to her fans by asking their input into the set list each night. The songstress, who has an unprecedented 15 #1 singles, will allow her fans to choose what they want to hear at any given show. Fans can do this via Mariah’s recently launched official fan club, Honey B.Fly. Fans can join Honey B. Fly online, via her website Additionally, members of Honey B. Fly will have the opportunity to purchase pre-sale tickets ahead of the general public on sale date. Tickets for the general public go on sale beginning June 21st. Membership to Honey B. Fly costs $35 annually in the U.S.

Carey’s current album Charmbracelet (MonarC Entertainment/Island Records) was released in December 2002 and has gone on to sell over 3 million copies worldwide. The album has topped the charts around the globe and features the #1 selling single “Through The Rain”, the hit single, “Boy (I Need You)” and the recently released new single, “Bringing on the Heartbreak”. In addition, Mariah’s hot single with Busta Rhymes, “I Know What You Want” is topping the charts across the country.

Here is a full listing of The Charmbracelet Tour 2003- An Intimate Evening dates:

July 26th- Las Vegas, NV- Caesar’s Colosseum
July 29th- Chicago, IL- United Center
August 1- St. Louis, MO- Fox Theater
August 3- Cleveland, OH- The Scene Center
August 7- Toronto, ONT- Sears Theater at Air Canada Center
August 10- Denver, CO- Red Rocks
August 13- Oakland, CA- Oakland Paramount Theater
August 18- Los Angeles, CA- Greek Theater
August 23- Phoenix, AZ- Dodge Theater
August 26- Dallas, TX- Next Stage Theater
August 28- Houston, TX- Woodlands – OUTDOORS
August 30- Orlando, FL- Bob Carr Performing Arts Center
September 1- Ft. Lauderdale, FL- Broward Performing Arts Center
September 3- Tampa, FL- Tampa Performing Arts Center
September 8- Boston, MA- Wang Center
September 10- Philadelphia, PA- Tower Theater
September 12- Wallingford, CT- Oakdale Theater
September 18- New York, NY- Radio City Music Hall
September 20- Atlantic City, NJ- Mark Etess Arena

September 23- Manchester, NH- Verizon Wireless


I Source : I

■ Mariah: A 'Save The Music' Hero

The Early Show’s “Save the Music” guest Thursday was the No.1 selling female artist of all time. Mariah Carey, who made a donation to the music campaign, has 15 No. 1 hit singles and was the only artist to top the charts in each year of the 1990s.
Carey as been one of Save The Music Foundation's longest supporters. She says when she was a kid she was not a stellar student but music kept her on track.

She tells co-anchor Harry Smith,“I really wanted to do what I like. What I loved was music. When they take the programs out of the schools, you might be missing an opportunity to get one of the most incredible talents that could emerge out of a school or whatever area. So I feel it's important to support Save the Music.”

On Thursday, she donated a microphone, which she says costs a small fortune, signed “Love always, Mariah.” Put your bid on eBay and it can be yours.

The daughter of a former opera singer and vocal coach, Carey began singing at the age of 4 and was writing her own songs by the time she was attending Olfield Middle School.

About her upbringing, she says, “Music was always important to me. My mom is a vocal coach, so I had it at home, too. I had a really cool music teacher who totally believed in me and would make me feel special. And so I like to give her a little bit of credit as well, because you need that encouragement. Maybe if they didn't have music programs, some of those kids wouldn't get that. We wouldn't have people like Jimmy Jam who is an all-around incredible person.”

Mariah Carey was part of the first Public Service Announcement series, raising awareness of Save the Music; she participated in the very first VH1 DIVAS LIVE benefit concerts in 1998 (and has performed in two others). She has donated items for annual auctions, made public appearances to speak out on behalf of the foundation and has visited public schools where music programs have been restored.

She says music has helped her through the tough times in her life. She explains, “The thing that I have tried to put into my music is the spirit of someone who stays with things and makes it happen despite adversity. Songs like ‘Hero’ or ‘Through the Rain’ are about survival.

"That's how I have gotten through my life. Music is something that has gotten me through every difficult situation, from ‘Charmbracelet,’ which is my emotional release, writing down everything I needed to say, singing from my heart, a healing process. That's why it's very important that we keep saving the music for kids like these.”

Next week, Carey kicks off her first world tour in three years in support of her current CD, “Charmbracelet,” which features the No. 1 selling single "Through the Rain" and the new single, "Bringing on the Heartbreak" which is a Def Leppard cover.

The “Charmbracelet” world tour starts in Seoul, Korea, June 21. The U.S. leg kicks off July 26 in Las Vegas. This is her first-ever theatre tour, a more scaled-down production that she wanted to provide a more intimate environment for her fans.

So she is asking fans to request their favorite songs on her Web site and she will use those choices to come up with her set list for each night.

Carey's “Charmbracelet” CD, released in December 2002,has sold more than 3 million copies worldwide and has topped the charts across the globe.

It is the first release of her own record label, MonarCMusic. Randy Jackson of "American" Idol fame, co-produced a lot of the album with Carey and is her musical director.

Carey's was recently honored at the Fresh Air Fund’s annual Spring Gala for her contributions to make sure kids from the city can get out to the country and go to camps.


I Source : CBS News  I

June 11

■ Japanese CB Tour Edition CD  Pushed Back


I Source : Universal Music Japan  I

June 11

■ Mariah, ナイス・ショット〜?!


I Source : Mariahdaily I

■ No Ashanti For CB Tour

 According to a spokesperson for Ashanti, the singer will no longer be opening for Mariah Carey on the Charmbracelet tour. New dates for the trek, which has been downsized, have yet to be announced.

USツアーのOAにアシャンティが決定していましたが正式にキャンセルになったことが発表されました。理由はどうやらMariahのコンサート会場の大幅な場所変えが原因のようです。日程的なものもあるのでしょうがちょっぴり残念でもありますね。まぁしかしファンが見たいのはMariahですからどうでもいいといえばどうでもいい?(ダイダ ヒカル風:知ってる人はクスっと笑ってください)

I Source : Mariahmania I

June 7

■ マライア・キャリーのオフィシャル・ファン・クラブ、ハニーBフライから、チャームブレスレット・ツアーの最前列へご招待!

マライアのオフィシャル・ファン・クラブ、ハニーBフライの設立を記念して、MSNエンターテイメント・ユーザーへ超ビッグ・プレゼント! 6月24日から行われる全国5都市10回のコンサートの最前列に各ペア1組ご招待!



I Source : MSN Japan I

■ Bringin' On The Heartbreak Video


I Source : I

■ Fresh Air Fund benefit show

Mariah Carey was in attendance at the Fresh Air Fund Salute To American Heroes, at Tavern On the Green, in New York, Thursday, June 5, 2003.


June 6

■ Bringin' On The Heartbreak Captures

BOTHのキャプチャーがUPされました。もう見慣れた写真はたくさんありますが早く映像として見たいですね。たくさんMariah ManiaでUPされてるので見に行ってください。

I Source : Mariah Mania I

June 5

■ Japanese edition of 'The Remixes'

Disc 1:
01. My All (Morales "My" Club Mix)
02. Hertbreaker/If You Shold Ever Be Lonely (Junior's Heartbreaker Club Mix)
03. Fly Away (Butterfly Reprise) (Fly Away Club Mix)
04. Anytime You Need A Friend (C&C Club Version)
05. Fantasy (Def Club Mix)
06. Honey (Classic Mix)
07. Dreamlover (Def Club Mix)
08. Emotions (12" Club Mix)
09. Through The Rain (Hex Hector/Mac Quayle Radio Edit)

Disc 2:
01. Fantasy (Bad Boy Remix) (Featuring O.D.B.)
02. Always Be My Baby (Mr. Dupri Mix) (Featuring Da Brat & Xscape)
03. My All/Stay A While (So So Def Remix) (Featuring Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz)
04. Thank God I Found You (Make It Last Remix) (Featuring Joe & Nas)
05. Breakdown (Album Version) (Featring Krayzie Bone & Wish Bone)
06. Honey (So So Def Remix) (Featuring Da Brat & Jermaine Dupri)
07. Loverboy (Remix) (Featuring Da Brat & Ludacris)
08. Heartbreaker (Remix) (Featuring Da Brat & Missy Elliott)
09. Sweetheart (Album Version) (Featuring Jermaine Dupri)
10. Crybaby (Album Version) (Featuring Snoop Dogg)
11. Miss You (Featuring Jadakiss)
12. All I Want For Christmas Is You (So So Def Remix) (Featuring Jermaine Dupri & Lil Bow Wow)


I Source : Sony Music Japan I

■ エミネム、MTVムービー・アウォーズで主演男優賞と新人男優賞を受賞

エミネムが5月31日にLAのシュライン・オーディトリウムで行なわれたMTVムービー・アォーズで、奮闘するラッパー役を演じた主演映画『8 Mile』で最優秀主演男優賞と最優秀新人男優賞を受賞した。この授賞式でエミネムは「『Glitter』のマライアを打ち負かしたなんて信じられないよ」とマライア・キャリーを“口撃”している。なお、この日の授賞式には、デヴィッド・ベッカムと彼の妻、ポッシュ・スパイス、ケリー・オズボーン、ビヨンセ・ノウルズなどのスターが出席した。


I Source : VIBE I

■『Zootopia』でのショウにBusta Rhymesなどが飛び入り

ニューヨークのラジオ局WHTZ(Z100)が主催する恒例のフェスティバル『Zootopia』が、6月1日にニュージャージーのジャイアンツ・スタジアムで開催されました。20周年を迎えた今年のフェスティバルには、17組のアーティストが出演し、6時間にわたるライヴが繰り広げられています。今年からZ100は、同局とニューヨークの音楽シーンに貢献したアーティストを称えるための“Z100 Achievement in New York Music Award”をスタート。その1回目の受賞者に選ばれたマライア・キャリーは、7万人以上の観客の前でこの賞を受け取りました。なお、この後に行なわれたマライアのパフォーマンス時には、サプライズ・ゲストとしてBusta RhymesとFlipmode Squadが飛び入り。この日、最も盛り上がったショウとなりました。

I Source : Universal Music Japan I

■ テレビ番組のためにニューヨークで野外無料ライヴを開催


I Source : Universal Music Japan I

June 4

■ Function follows form for Mariah

You loved her in a Bulls jersey/short skirt during the NBA all-star game at which Michael Jordan was saluted. You loved her in a Wizards jersey dress that she was falling out of on the same occasion. So there is no question about the woman's fashion sense.

Now comes word singer Mariah Carey has designs on designing a line of golfwear. Her inspiration? "A recent visit to a golf course where she was asked to wear a collared shirt to comply with the dress code," the New York Post reports.

"I wasn't about to wear some golf shirt with a collar," she told a New York radio station. "I went out on the links in 3-inch high heels and barely anything on and they didn't mind." Can't imagine why.

"I'm now seriously contemplating designing sexy women's golf clothes," she said. "I need some clothes to wear on the links." Sounds like she'd be perfect for some variation of the Hooters' tour.


I Source : I

■ CB Japan Tour Poster


I Source : ebay I


June 3

■ Mariah pumps it up for Z100's Zootopia

Mariah had the crowd pumped up last night at Z100’s Zootopia concert event. After being introduced by Britney Spears, who said she “loved” Mariah and thought she “rocked,” Mariah gave a rousing rendition of “Heartbreaker.”

She went on to perform “I Know What You Want,” with special guests Busta Rhymes and the Flipmode Squad. Apparently, Mariah must have invited them there because they weren’t a part of the originally-announced 20-act line up, which included Ashanti, Ja Rule, the American Idol finalists and the last ever group performance by TLC.

After an outfit change, Mariah was called back on stage to receive the Z100 Achievement in New York Music Award, which was handed out by Randy Jackson and the Z100 station manager.


I Source : I

June 2

■ Mariah in top form for Today Show appearance

Mariah was in top form this morning as she performed live on The Today Show’s Toyota Summer Concert Series. Wearing a teal blue tank top and retro jeans with appliqués, she belted out an amended version of her new single, “Bringin’ On The Heartbreak,” as well as her number one hit from 1993, “Dreamlover.” She closed the show with “Yours,” a cut from her latest album Charmbracelet.

During the commercial breaks, Mariah went into the crowd to sign autographs and meet with fans. One of those fans was 21-year-old Natasha Sullivan, who was profiled during a special segment titled Backstage Pass. Natasha, who had previously never met Mariah, got her wish when Mariah called her up on stage and promised to chat more with her after the show.

Jenny Morgenthau, the executive director of the Fresh Air Fund, was also on hand to promote the Fresh Air Fund’s career awareness camp, Camp Mariah. She also announced that on June 5th, Mariah will be honored at the American Heroes Award dinner at the Tavern on the Green for her contributions to the organization.

Click here to watch clips of Mariah performing live on the Today Show.


I Source : I

June 1

■ Mariah New Voice Message

Hi!  Yeah, I haven't spoken to you in a while, I just wanted to say hey to everybody out there and thank you so much for everything that you are doing, as always. I wanted to send a special shout out to all the New York City area lambs, Charmers and Honey B. Fly members, I love you much.

And also I wanted to say remember to come on down to the Today Show tomorrow, Friday, May 30th, 'cause that's what we're gonna be doing, doing a little show down there and if you get there early, get a good spot, stick around after the show so I can try and say hi to you guys and stuff.And also, don't forget the Z100 Zootopia is this Sunday, June 1st. So, if you haven't got your nice tickets already, go get them now before it's too late.

All right, see you there. Love you much, appreciate ya and enjoy ya.  Bye, bye!

I Source : I

■ CB Re-Release Cover

CD 1:
1. Through The Rain
2. Boy (I Need You) (Feat. Cam'Ron)
3. The One
4. Yours
5. You Got Me (Feat. Jay-Z and Freeway)
6. I Only Wanted
7. Clown
8. My Saving Grace
9. You Had Your Chance
10. Lullaby
11. Irresistible (West Side Connection)
12. Subtle Invitation
13. Bringin' On The Heartbreak
14. Sunflowers for Alfred Roy
15. Through The Rain Remix (Feat. Kelly Price and Joe)
16. Miss You

CD 2:
1. There Goes My Heart
2. I Know What You Want (Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey feat. Flipmode Squad)
3. Got A Thing 4 You (Da Brat & Mariah feat. Elephant Man)
4. The One (So So Def Remix feat. Bone Crusher)

Enhanced ( Japan Only )

5. Through The Rain - Video
6 Boy (I Need You) - Video

I Source : HMV Japan I

■ 9〜11月のヨーロッパ・ツアーの日程を発表

マライア・キャリーが、The Charmbracelet World Tourの一環としてのヨーロッパ・ツアーの日程を下記の通り発表しました。なお、このヨーロッパ・ツアーの前には、全米ツアーが開催される予定です。

9/27 - Moscow, RUSSIA @Kremlin Palace
9/29 - Moscow, RUSSIA @Kremlin Palace
10/2 - St.Petersburg, RUSSIA @New Ice Arena
10/5 - Stockholm, SWEDEN @The Globe
10/8 - Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS @Ahoy
10/10 - Hamburg, GERMANY @Colorline Arena
10/13 - Berlin, GERMANY @Schmelinghalle
10/16 - Munich, GERMANY @Olympiahalle
10/19 - Vienna, AUSTRIA @Stadthalle
10/22 - Zurich, SWITZERLAND @Hallenstadion
10/28 - Birmingham, UK @Birmingham NEC
10/30 - London, UK @Wembley Arena
11/4 - Paris, FRANCE @Bercy
11/7 - Milan, ITALY @Filaforum

I Source : Universal Music Japan I

■ I Know What You Want  DVD

DVD 10 June 2003 / USA
Cat No. MBG526669


I Source : HMV Japan I

■ Billboard Update: I Know What You Want

I Know What You Want

Hot 100:
This Week: #3
Last Week: #3 (Peak)
Weeks on Chart: 14

Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks:
This Week: #3
Last Week: #3
Weeks on Chart: 19 (Peak: #2)

Hot Rap Tracks:
This Week: #3
Last Week: #3 (Peak)
Weeks on Chart: 14

I Source : Billboard I

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