Love Love Jack News


   Japan Time
June 30

Mariah Lightens Up Disneyland For The First French Mighty Party



With a microphone in one hand and an umbrella in the other, Mariah warmed up 5,000 fans at the first French Mighty Party, an exceptional concert given at Disneyland to help the Elton John Foundation's fight against AIDS.

Joking about the unfavorable weather, the singer said some witty remarks, and cheered on by the audience, most of whom participated in the "Pride Walk" that was scheduled earlier in the capital.

"Okay, it rains, but it's okay, I'm dropping the umbrella and what a pity for my hair," said Mariah, in a hooded mini-cardigan dress, before hitting the notes in "Heartbreaker."

"Wow, I have to warm things up!" she said, putting her breasts back to their place, they were obviously too tight in the outfit. "Because I'm a diva, I gotta check what's going wrong," she joked again, watching herself in a diamond mirror a dancer gave her. "Well, it is a total and complete mess," she added. "Next time I'm gonna do 'Singing In The Rain' instead."

The diva also took her diamond necklace off, and her other jewelries thrown into the audience while singing the remixes to "Dreamlover" and "We Belong Together." But she took the time to change her outfit between each song. "I'm a Mickey girl!" she concluded, all wet, saying goodbye to the audience. Meanwhile, fireworks lightened up the sky above the castle of The Sleeping Beauty.

楽しみにしていたディズニーコンサートですが、生憎の雨に見舞われちょっと残念でしたが、雨にも負けず意地でミミちゃん頑張りました!結構降ってたみたいですが「傘はささないでやるわよ、髪の毛が心配だけど...」っと5000人集まったゲイファン達を盛り上げ、黒のフード付きミニドレスを着てHBを歌ったようです。曲の合間でのMCではもちろん雨でずぶ濡れになってる自分のお化粧チェック。ダンサーに鏡を見せてもらいミミちゃん絶句!(笑)「きゃ〜グチャグチャになってるわね!次やる時は「"singing in the rain"(雨に唄えば)」を歌うべきね(笑)」っといろいろ冗談を言ってたみたいです。冗談じゃなく是非歌って欲しいっすね。あと、DreamloverとWBTを歌ってる時に、ファンサービスで身に着けていたダイヤのネックレスを観客にあげたそうです。すげぇ〜〜〜!最後はこの眠れる森の美女の城の後ろから盛大な花火が上がってコンサートが終わったそうです。

I Source : , MariahDailyJournal I

June 29

News From Disneyland Paris Concert

* Reports coming in from the Disneyland Paris show are that Mariah performed more than six tracks and some of those that were performed are:

* We Belong Together
* It’s Like That
* Make It Happen
* Butterfly
* Heartbreaker
* Fantasy

* When it came for Mariah to perform the heavens opened up and started to rain. Mariah still walked out to the stage without an umbrella. It rained throughout Mariah’s set.

* Mariah being Mariah managed to squeeze in at least three costume changes.

* Mariah was supported by her usual backing vocalists. i.e Trey Lorenz, Mary-Ann, etc...

* Mariah’s performance was partly live.


I Source : Mariah Connection I

Mariah's New Album Comes Out On Thanksgiving

Rap-Up TV was at Ludacris' Pre-BET Awards Party on Sunday at the Mondrian Hotel in West Hollywood and caught up with Jermaine Dupri who spoke briefly about Mariah's new album and its scheduled release date.

Rap-Up: "I heard Janet is in the studio working on a new album. What can you tell us about that?"
Jermaine Dupri: "I can't tell you nothing really, I don't know, I've been in the studio with Usher and Mariah right now. She's [Janet] in the studio though."

RU: "What about Mariah, how many tracks have you done with her?"
JD: "Five."

RU: "When's the album coming out?"
JD: "Thanksgiving."

RU: "I know now you're in Island Def Jam. What's that like?"
JD: "Beautiful. You know what I'm saying? Two of the biggest artists in the world: Mariah, Janet, on the same label."

You can check out Jermaine's interview at Rap-Up or download a video file here.


I Source: Rap-U, MariahDailyJournal I

June 28

Mariah Leaves Hotel For Sound Check


I Source : Mariah Connection I

Video Premiere of "Lil L.O.V.E."

j-Pod Up Dated

Lil L.O.V.E. (PV)

27.6mb / MP4
Until July 29

すでにLil L.O.V.E.はスリップしていますが今日PVが解禁になりました。マライアのPV?って思えるほどメインで結構映ってますので楽しめますよ。i-Pod用にMP4でファイルも作りましたので欲しい方はj-PodからDLしてください.

I Source: Mariah Daily Journal I

June 28

Arrival in Paris


I Source : Sweetmariah I

June 27

New Gift Pack For Fan Club Members is happy to present the brand new HBF gift pack for premium fan club members. New or renewing members who purchased the premium membership will get the following items in the gift pack:

• Welcome letter from Mariah
• Wristband - a terry cloth wristband with the HBF logo
• A unique Mariah keychain
• 3 Mariah postcards
• 3 buttons

The new gift pack is currently being worked on. Members will be updated on the shipping schedule in the coming months.


I Source: I

自身のフレグランス『M by Mariah Carey』を米メディアに発表

マライア・キャリーのフレグランス(香水)『M by Mariah Carey』が、6月中旬、米メディアに披露されました(発売は秋頃の予定)。米Elizabeth Arden社から発売されるこのフレグランスは、マライア自身が企画・製作に参加したもので、マシュマロ、潮風、南国の花…といった香りが調合されています。マライアは、ボトルのデザインにも参加。トレードマークのバタフライを使用したいという彼女のアイディアが取り入れられ、ラベンダー色のガラス瓶のキャップ部分に、美しいガラスのバタフライが留まっているというデザインになっています。

I Source : Universal Music Japan I

14-year-old dies at Disneyland Paris

PARIS - French police are investigating the death of a 14-year-old Spanish girl who lost consciousness while riding a roller coaster at Disneyland Paris, park officials said Tuesday.


The cause of the girl's death remained unclear. A preliminary inspection of the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster ride found no malfunctions with the machinery, Disneyland spokesman Pieter Boterman said.

The girl boarded the ride Monday at the theme park in Marne-la-Vallee east of the French capital, and when the ride stopped, her friends found her unconscious, Boterman said.

Medical teams at the theme park tried to revive her, but by the time the ambulance arrived, the girl had died, he said.

Police opened an investigation, and an autopsy was planned for Tuesday, he said.

Disneyland authorities immediately shut down the ride, and it remained closed Tuesday. Boterman said the park was waiting to hear the cause of the girl's death before determining whether to reopen it.

The ride is at Walt Disney Studios Park, one of two theme parks at Disneyland Resort Paris. The complex, which opened in 1992, was formerly called Euro Disney.

あらら....金曜日にミニライブを行う「ディズニーランドパリ」で14歳のスペインの少女がジェットコースターを乗ってそのまま意識を失い亡くなるという訃報が入ってきました。現在この少女の死因について調査されておりこのアトラクションも閉鎖されているそうです。ちょっと微妙になってきましたね。もしこのまま"One Mighty Party" が開催されるとならばマアイアの6曲のダンスリミックス予定のセットリストが少し変更しこの少女に捧げる1曲を用意する可能性が高そうですね。

I Source : Yahoo!News I

June 25

Jasmine's Juice On Mariah's New Album & Summer Plans

Speaking of superstar celebs, this week I was lucky enough to listen to some of Mariah's new joints for her next album and all I can say is if you thought her last album was the second coming, well, you ain't seen nuthin' yet! MC filled me in on all the fun she's been having in the Islands working on her new tracks with her mate Da Brat. Now she's in Europe all week starting off at Paris' Disneyland for a huge function, then it's to our favourite spot Capri to swim in the blue lagoon before finishing up in Rome. So I must run and pack a case or two to join her but I can't say where 'cos you know those paps! Like Tupac- they get around!

久々にジャスミンさんからのプチレポです。今週マライアのニューアルバムから幾つか出来上がってる曲を聴くことができたそうです。今の段階ではまだ何も教えることはできないみたいですが、久々にDa Bratと新しい曲を作ったみたいですよ。で、今週いっぱいはディズニーランドへ行くためヨーロッパで過ごしローマに行き、最後は大好きなカプリへ暫しバカンス兼レコーディングもするのかな?

I Source : The Voice I

June 22

Mariah's Stage Setting For "One Mighty Party"

As previously reported, Mariah will perform at the European debut of "One Mighty Party" in Disneyland Paris on June 29, 2007. Below are photos of Mariah's stage setting and some additional information about the event.

• Mariah will perform on Bougillumination stage in Central Plaza, in front of The Sleeping Beauty castle. Both stage and castle will be decorated with pink butterflies.

• Mariah is scheduled to arrive four days in advance to rehearse for the concert and to promote the event on several TV and radio shows.

• Mariah's entourage apparently includes no less than 100 members of her team who will assist her while in Paris.

• 900+ members of Johnny Chisholm's American team will begin work on the event set-up on Monday, June 25th.

• Discoveryland and Frontierland will be transformed into dance floors for the whole night. Over 15,000 clubbers are expected to attend.

• Tickets are available at FNAC for €120 each, additional €50 gives you access to Magic Journeys. VIP tickets are also available for €500 each, it includes access to the entire event, FastPass for all attractions, and entry to the VIP zone to see the concerts; as well as champagne and food.

来週の29日にパリのディズニーランドで行われる同性愛者のチャリティーイベントでマライアがパフォーマンスしますが、場所は「眠れる森の美女の城」の前でやるそうです。ステージの両端とお城にはピンクの蝶々が飾られるそうです。マライアはこのコンサートのリハやいくつかのTV番組やラジオ番組に出席するため4日前から現地入りするそうです。ステージ演出のため、ダンサーやマ ライアファミリーを含め100人ほど一緒に動向するそうです。

I Source: DLRP , Mariah Daily Journal I

June 21

Mariah's New Scent: 'M by Mariah Carey'

先日の香水「M」のお披露目の席でのマライアのインタビューが掲載されています。皆が気になるこの香りですが、初め付けた瞬間はマシュマロのような匂いだそうです。ほんのり香ばしい香りがして、だんだん体温と共に香りも変化し、最終的に持続する香りはモロッコで買った時のお気に入りのお香とタヒチの有名な花「ティアレ」の香りが うまく交わったような感じみたいです。このティアレは「一度その香りをかいだ者は必ずタヒチへ戻る」と言われるぐらい忘れられない個性のある良い匂いだそうで、マライアもハワイへ行って首に飾られた時から忘れられなくなったそうですよ。あと、このMには3サイズ用意されているようなので人によって香りは好みがありますのでまずはお手ごろ価格のお試しサイズを買うのがいいかもしれませんね。また、ボディーローションも発売されるそうです。世界的に有名なマライアだけあってファン層も広く、ファン層の平均年齢も32才ぐらいなのでこのフレグランスのマーケットがかなり期待されているようです。E・アーデンは「M」の宣伝費用に1億円をかけるそうです。最後に、この香水とは別に新たなプロジェクトが動いているそうで、次は念願のランジェリーを計画しているようです。おそらくこれは以前話に出てて消えていたkisskissブランドのことでしょうね。

I Source : I

June 19

Mariah Unveils New Scent "M by Mariah Carey"

Mariah Carey hopes to hit more than high notes in the fall scent parade with M by Mariah Carey, her new women's fragrance.

Carey unveiled her scent to beauty editors at a lavish cocktail party in Soho Monday night, which she hosted with Elizabeth Arden, her fragrance licensee. And if Carey's musical prowess extends to her fragrance, Arden will have a hit on its hands: Carey is the best-selling female musical artist of all time, with a string of 17 number-one singles - not to mention a five-octave range - to her credit. Carey has also won five Grammy Awards, nine American Music Awards and Billboard's "Artist of the Decade" award for her singing and songwriting talents. She is currently recording a new album.

今週の月曜日にソーホーでのカクテル・パティーの席でE・アーデンから発売されるマライアの香水がお披露目されたそうです。皆が想像を膨らました気になる名前ですがどうやらここはマライアの「M」という名前みたいです。 そして気になるボトルのデザインですが、まさに予想通り!これしかあり得ないと思ってましたがやっぱ蝶は良い感じですね。とってもエレガントだしすごい欲しい!これは絶対売れる!

I Source: Women's Wear Daily, Mariah Daily Journal I

Bodyguard Tell All

Bodyguard Lee T. Weaver protected celebrities such as Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie but says the biggest handful of all was Lindsay Lohan. He was her bodyguard for two years beginning when Lohan was 18. He quit because, he says, "she was too dangerous to be around." Jeannette Walls on reports that Weaver claims LiLo tried to grope Mariah Carey’s upper and lower girl parts as they danced, and attacked Jessica Simpson at a nightclub because she was convinced she was shooting her dirty looks. "(Lindsay) jumped over the table and dived at Jessica, pulling her hair out."

近頃、リンジーも廃人のようになりつつありますが、その手に負えなかったほど酷い私生活についてリンジーのボディーガードだった人がいろんな話を暴露してます。で、いろんな性遍歴もある中、マライアと 踊った時にかなり「ヤリたい」オーラを奮ってMiMiちゃんに色目を使い胸とかお尻とか触ったそうで、それに気づいたMiMiちゃんはすんごい気持ち悪がって睨んだそう。いい加減、それ以上は手を出さなかったらしい。喰われんでよかった。

I Source : Contra Costa Times, Mariah Connection I

June 17

エミネム、新作でマライアとの過去を暴露 !?





I Source : BARKS I

June 15

Out and About in NYC

Mariah Carey hams it up for the paparazzi while out for dinner in lower Manhattan.


I Source : Sweetmariah I

Eminem To Diss Mariah?

I heard that Eminem is going to diss Mariah Carey? I heard this a day or so ago, but I totally ignored it. You know, it was some crap – in my mind! I heard that there is a song coming out that’s going straight at Mariah Carey, according to OK! Mag. I heard that Mariah has already requested that the muscle at Def Jam exercise their industry biceps on this one. If Em strikes, Mariah could strike back with a JD produced track! A few years ago, JD recorded a song that went at JD and Dr. Dre and – real talk – he shut it down. In all reality, these 30-plus singers and rappers should just crank out some good music. Leave the dissing to the kiddies.


I Source: All Hip Hop, Mariah Connection I

June 14

“Magnum Photos: Muhammad Ali,” at 401 Projects to Kickoff the Magnum Festival


I Source : WireImage I

June 13


Johnny Chisholm, founder and producer of the One Mighty Weekend events, today announced that the biggest female artist of all time, Mariah Carey, will perform a special set at One Mighty Party Paris on 29th June. Carey's exclusive performance will celebrate the European debut of the party Chisholm made famous as an annual event at The Walt Disney World® Resort Orlando, which benefits the Elton John AIDS Foundation each year.

Carey will perform six dance floor remixes taken from her catalogue of hits which have seen her achieve 17 number-one singles - more than any other female artist - selling over 160 million records world wide, become a five-time GRAMMY® award winner and earn 16 World Music Awards, exceeding any other performer.

"Mariah Carey is a worldwide musical superstar and we are thrilled to host her at our party," said Chisholm. "We anticipate this event will sell out quickly, so we encourage everyone to buy tickets as soon as possible to secure your place at Europe's first One Mighty Party."

Over the past 14 years, Chisholm's annual One Mighty Weekend at The Walt Disney World Resort Orlando has grown to become America's largest gay and lesbian celebration. The event also has generated sizeable contributions to its beneficiary organization, the non-profit Elton John AIDS Foundation (

This year One Mighty Party Paris will transform The Disneyland Resort Paris at 9pm with two large dance floors in Discoveryland and Frontierland. Attractions will be open throughout the entire Disneyland Resort Paris. The Gay Days Paris event will also feature other special performances and four world-class DJs, along with a special fireworks display over the Le Chateau de la Belle au Bois Dormant.

The evening will continue with a second event, Magic Journeys, located at the Disney Pavilion in Discoveryland from 2 AM until 6 AM. Two additional world-class DJs will provide entertainment for Magic Journeys.

Tickets go on sale June 13.

To purchase tickets and for more information please go to / / or call +44 (0) 870 151 4444.

おぉおおおっ!いきなりですが、今月29日にフランスのディズニーランド・リゾート・パリで行われる「One Mighty Party Paris」にマライアがエイズ・チャリティーの一環でパフォーマンスをするそうです。しかも今までの曲の中から選りすぐりのダンスフロア・リミックスを6曲も歌うそうですョ。大丈夫かぇ?いや〜寝耳に水のこの急なイベント参加ですが、Gayイベントだけあって非常に楽しみでもあり変な空気も流れてそう(笑)まぁマライアのファンはGayが多いのでいつになくいっぱい集まりそうですね。

I Source : I

June 9

Kanye West's 30th Birthday Party At The Louis Vuitton Store

NEW YORK - JUNE 7: Kenny Burns, Singer Mariah Carey and Radio host Ed Lover attends the Kanye West 30th Birthday party at the Louis Vuitton flagship store on June 7, 2007 in New York City.


I Source : Getty Images I

June 8

Mariah at Fresh Air Fund Gala

Mariah Carey at tonight's The Fresh Air Fund's Salute To American Heroes Gala held at Tavern on the Green in New York City, New York.


Mariah Arrival at Fresh Air Fund's Event : DL File 1 / 2 / 3

やっとこさ姿を現したお姫様。お久しぶり!毎年恒例のFresh Air Fund Galaに出席しました。長〜いこと見てなかったので太ってないか心配でしたが、痩せた?まではいかないけどKeepし続けててるようでまずは安心。ちょっと目のあたりの老い加減が気になりますね...まぁとりあえず元気そうでよかったです。

I Source : Mariah DailyJournal , Thanks to Moony I

HBF : New Members-Only Contest

Honey B. Fly members, we've got a new mission for you. We want you to help us design a new merchandise item for the Fan Club store!

Your creation can be a Mariah image, logo, sketch, animation, or anything that you would like to see featured on a merch item in the HBF store! Once you've created your fantastic new merch item, upload your submission here.

The winning design will be available for all members to purchase in the Fan Club store here at Additionally, the winner will win a 100 dollar gift certificate to the Fan Club store and an item from the store autographed by Mimi herself. How PIP is that?

Go here to read more details about the contest and to submit your creation!


I Source: I

"Lil L.O.V.E." Debuts at #24 on Hot Rap Tracks

• In Billboard magazine's June 16, 2007 issue, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony's "Lil L.O.V.E." featuring Mariah Carey & Bow Wow debuts at #24 on Hot Rap Tracks.

• The song is listed on Radio & Records Rhythmic Most Added for issue date June 8, 2007 with eight (8) new stations: KBBT, KDGS, KKSS, KUUU, KWIN, KZFM, KZZA, WWKX

• "Lil L.O.V.E." Mediabase airplay update as of June 6, 2007: 7.247 million audience impressions, with 1,284 spins.

Lil L.O.V.E.がビルボードHot Rapチャートで24位でデビューしました。まずまずっといったところでしょうか。先日このPV撮りが行われたはずなんで早ければ今月中旬には解禁されるんじゃないでしょうか。

I Source: MariahDailyJournal I


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